Chapter 27: A Late Night Proposal

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"Park Jimin, Will you marry me?"

The moonlight shined over the pair of glistened chocolate eyes belonging to the sorcerer as his lover was on top of him. Jimin's body shivered and his fingers began to tremble, as his mind processed that Jungkook just proposed to him. The plump red lips of the sorcerer curled in a smile where his front teeth were revealed to his lover above him. "Yes." Jimin answered as he nodded repeatedly with his eyes threatening to share an amount of tears from happiness. Jungkook returned the smile as the moonlight reflected on his misty eyes before he leaned down to kiss his now fiancé.

"Jagiya~" The prince adored the way his lips perfectly fit between the sorcerer's. Even if their bodies emitted warmth, the lips of Park Jimin were comfortably cool against Jungkook's. May it be their wetness or may it be the breeze from outside but for sure, the prince loved it. The lovers were tasting each other's lips with nothing but affection for each other, no lust was visible in their touches. Alas, all beautiful moments most be of course interrupted by a low grumble.

Jungkook parted lips with Jimin and he licked his lips while rolling his eyes as the sorcerer's eyes formed crescents and the laughs of both males echoed in their chambers. "What do you want to eat?" The prince slowly unmounted the sorcerer after pecking his forehead. The cause was Jimin's stomach asking for food. "Hmm..." The sorcerer bit his lower lip and after a few seconds, his eyes lit up. "Jeon Jungkook on a plate?" The prince winked at his lover before he walked to his closet and find a new pair of black pants he could wear along with one of Jimin's pants.

Jimin blushed and threw the pillow beside him; he aimed it at Jungkook. After throwing the pillow, Jimin hid himself under the silk sheets and giggled to himself being embarrassed. "Oh come on~ You weren't shy just a few minutes ago. Jeon Jimin~" The sorcerer felt the weight beside him on the bed and he lowered the silk sheets under his eyes. "Raise your hands." Jungkook laughed at Jimin's cute act. The sorcerer blinked once and slowly lowered the silk sheet and raised his arms. The prince helped the sorcerer dress up and carried him bridal style towards the door to their chambers. "My ass hurts." Jimin puffed his cheeks against Jungkook's neck just beside his arms wrapped around it.

The prince smirked and proceeded walking towards the kitchen of the Palace where he would cook something for his lover if no servant was there. On their way there, Jungkook suddenly burst out laughing while Jimin threw him a confused gaze. "I think I just heard Namjoon hyung's thoughts. That hyung needs to confess fast or I will explote if I have to hear from now on everyday how much he wants to kiss the hell up of Jin hyung's lips." Now it was Jimin's turn to giggle. "I bet you think just like him." The sorcerer mumbled between giggles.

"What makes you think that?" Jungkook defended himself but it was a low comeback on his part because the sorcerer lightly punched his chest. "Okay, Okay! I do think that." Jungkook chuckled as they finally arrived at the doors of the kitchen. The prince gently placed the sorcerer on an empty counter before he could go and light a few candles to make the kitchen brighter. "Bread and cheese." The sorcerer finally answered the question the prince had asked him when they were at their chambers. "Bread and cheese it is." Jungkook nodded while he smiled and he began searching for the bread in one of the cabinets. The sorcerer hissed a little becaude he was pressing too much on his bottom so he pressed his palms against the counter to try and lessen the pressure on his bottom. "You alright Jagiya?" The prince licked his bottom lip and then bit it as he finished preparing the bread and cheese.

'I hate you. Don't tease me!' The sorcerer pouted and rolled his eyes as his cheeks regained their pink blush caused by the prince's teasing comments.

Jungkook scoffed and approached his fiancé with a plate containing four large pieces of bread and two slices of cheese on top of each one. "Save one for me will you~ I know you don't hate me. In case you forgot-" The prince paused when he saw the glare Jimin was giving him. 'Those damn hormones and mood swings mother warned me about.' Jungkook internally groaned at Jimin's sudden change in attitude. "Water? Milk?" Jungkook cut a small piece of one of the breads and raised it in front of Jimin's closed lips. "Water" The sorcerer opened his mouth and the prince gladly fed it to the sorcerer. "Give me a few seconds." Jungkook gave Jimin the plate and retreated to the other side of the kitchen to search for a cup.

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