Chapter 14: Longed Words

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(A/N: Warning! Mature content)

Author's P.O.V

The sorcerer's and the prince's naked bodies rested against each other, chest against chest, thighs against thighs, and Jimin's forehead rested in the crook of Jungkook's neck with his eyes closed. The younger had his arms around the older, though he was trying hard not to think about how their lower private areas were almost touching, he enjoyed this moment; with no said words and just each other's breathing and nature echoing around them. .

Though Jimin seemed to be almost asleep, he was searching; searching for the last confirmation. Jungkook's eyes closed as his cheek leaned on Jimin's head; he felt in peace. The sun was beginning to set in the horizon, both of them were too into their moment, they forgot about time, about everything except for each other. The sorcerer felt it completely now; deep inside his own mind, an aura with a warm embracing feeling, he was now feeling Jungkook's emotions. With Jungkook's hot breath falling on top of his hair, Jimin opened his eyes and slowly but gently held Jungkook's right forearm. "Jimin? What's wrong?" The sorcerer stayed quiet and between both of his hands, he gently held the prince's right forearm.

The sorcerer's right hand slid down the prince's forearm until his thumb gently began caressing the black mark over the prince's wrist. Jimin closed his eyes and leaned his lips on top of Jungkook's wrist. As Jimin's plump pink lips made contact with Jungkook's wrists, the prince became slight shocked but stayed quiet and watched what the sorcerer was doing. Despite being shocked, instead of having widened eyes, Jungkook had a tender loving gaze at Jimin, even if his heart might beat out of his chest now, as well as Jimin's, he continued watching the man he had deep feelings for, deep feelings that he would certainly say.

"Jungkook-ah, Can we go sit and watch the sunset?" Jimin spoke in a low voice, but it wasn't that what made Jungkook's heart skip a beat, it was the way Jimin maintained his eyes locked on his and the way Jimin's cheeks were painted with a light pink that made Jungkook's heart skip a beat; Jimin was blushing and Jungkook thought it was adorable. The prince nodded and began swimming along with the sorcerer. Once Jungkook began walking into the shallower areas of the lake, so shallow that the water reached his pelvis; Jimin stopped him. The sorcerer intertwined fingers with the prince and the pink shade covering his cheeks slowly turned into a red. "Let us get dressed and then we'll watch the sunset" Jungkook gazed down at the blushing Jimin but the older shook his head.

"Let's stay like this. I-I-I mean at least l-let's wear pants." Jimin slowly walked out of the water with his fingers still intertwined with Jungkook's. Their exposed bodies completely visible to each other, the prince couldn't blink as his eyes wandered through the sorcerer's body. Jungkook gulped as he stared at Jimin's beautiful perfect body.

The sorcerer walked where their clothes were scattered around the rocks and grass and pulled his pants over each leg. Jungkook did the same and placed his own shirt beside Jimin and sat beside him, Jimin leaned his head on Jungkook's exposed shoulder. The two males only wore their pants as silence engulfed them while they stared at the yellow ball of gas slowly set at the horizon while multiple colors blended in the endless sky.

The prince wasn't enjoying this moment, he was but a part of him kept being distracted by only one thought. 'Is now the right time?' The prince repeated this question continuously and came to an answer. Though, he wasn't the only one with that question revolving in the back of his mind like a broken movie that replays the same scene over and over again.

"Jimin" Jungkook called out and turning around; making the sorcerer lift his head from the prince's shoulder. The older male glanced up to meet eyes with the younger and watched how Jungkook's lips parted.

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