Chapter 6: Warning

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Jimin's P.O.V

Jeon Jungkook

Everything is in slow motion, my body stiffens, our eyes meet and my head starts to hurt. His widened dark brown chocolate eyes meet with mine. His hair is messy, he looks like he had a really rough night, I take in all his features up-close for the first time. He has a mole below his pink lips, his jaw line is very straight and I feel my heartbeat increasing.

Legs move...

I command my body but it stiffens, I'm not able to do anything and stay there, glued to the floor of the throne room. He already saw me again, I need to leave, and it has to be now.


"J-Jimin! P-Park Jimin!!" His deep voice suddenly speaks, I...I need to run.


"RUN!" I hear a shout coming from behind Jungkook, the owner of the voice belongs to Hoseok and I finally gathered a bit of strength.

I lift my right leg and ran away from the throne room. My breathing pace becomes unstable, I keep running, I run through the corridors of the palace, but suddenly stop when my legs fail me. I fall to the floor on my knees, and my vision sways. "What's...happening?"

"JIMIN!!" I don't respond and my eyes close, darkness consuming me.

Author's P.O.V

"YOUR HIGHNESS!!" Prince Namjoon shouts. Right after Jimin ran away from the throne room, Jungkook followed right after, but after a few minutes, Jungkook was catching up to Jimin, both of them running through the sun lighted corridors of the gigantic palace. The prince felt a sharp pain in his head and his legs gave up, the same thing happened to Jimin, both of them fell to their knees, their vision swaying and darkness consuming them.

In the darkness, the young sorcerer opened his eyes, he held his head and stood from the cold floor, he looked at his unknown surroundings and a state of confusion filled him. "Jimin" A very familiar voice called out to him and the young sorcerer turned around to face the owner of the voice. A man with silver hair, sharp jaw line, and very bright silver eyes faced Jimin. The man was wearing shackles on both of his wrists, his clothes were torn and there was a black mark on his right wrist and left wrist.


Jimin's eyes became misty, a small tear escaped them and he reached his hands forward to touch his father but his father's voice stopped him.

"Jimin, I don't have much time. Please listen to your father..." Ji Yong told his son as he stared into his Jimin's chocolate colored eyes.

"I ...made a mistake, I shouldn't have cursed Jeon, I broke the rules of the Universe and now I'm paying for it." He showed Jimin his wrist and there was a big black line from his wrist to his elbow.

"W-What does that mean?" Jimin asked his father.

"It means treason, I used dark magic and now my soul is paying the price. I begged the Ancient Spirits to let me give you this message. So listen carefully while Jeon is unconscious." Jimin nodded at his father's word, he was feeling so many emotions right now; he was seeing his father for the first time since his death.

"The Ancient Spirits will give you strength after you wake up, when you do, don't look back. Take Jeon with you far away, separate him from the Kingdom and live with him. If fate is with us, he'll fall for you and such tragedy won't happen... Now leave, remember son... don't let him kiss you until he loves y..." Right before Ji Yong finished his sentence, everything turned black again and he disappeared into thin air.

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