Chapter 5: Inevitable Dream

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A/N: Listen to the song while reading the chapter, the mood is perfect


Author's P.O.V

"Seokjin, this is a secret that no one can know" Taehyung told Jin as the older male was gazing at the younger's shiny white necklace on his hand.

"Can I?" The older pleaded, slowly extending his right hand at the younger, very careful not to injure his hand.

"Just for a few seconds, I've broken the rules now." Taehyung sighed and let the silver shiny necklace slip into the palm of Jin's right hand.

Meanwhile, in the Daegu Kingdom, Park Jimin felt a flash of pain in his chest. His nose scrunched, his knees felt weak, they slowly gave in until they collided with the cold floor of the King's chambers; his eyes closed in pain, the knuckles of his hand gripped tightly onto his shirt until they turned pale. His breathing pace increased until he had to take very deep breaths fast; groans escaping his now pale lips from biting them to hold the pain.

"JIMIN!!" Both Yoongi and Hoseok let go of each other and quickly tried to hold Jimin from falling forward.

"T-Tae...gave.... the necklace...away" Jimin said between breaths, his voice being lower than usual, tiredness filled in his eyes, as they slowly closed, and his body gave in. Jimin's hand on his chest slowly let go and fell to the floor, and a long slumber consumed him.

"Tae gave the necklace?? Jimin!!!" Hoseok held Jimin close to him and quickly lifted him in his arms, carrying him bridal style, he gently placed him on Yoongi's gigantic bed with his silk covers. 

"Leave him, he's exhausted; that spell he used was too consuming on him, he needs rest. We'll sleep in my old chambers; it's at the end of the hall. We'll lock the doors and no one will enter the room okay?" Hoseok held Yoongi's hand tight while the King was in deep thought. The two lovers retreated the King's chambers, being sure to have locked the door.


Jungkook's P.O.V

I quickly open my eyelids, heavy breaths leave my nostrils, sweat already formed below my jaw and neck. I'm greeted by green leafs on trees, birds chirping and a bright pink and orange color sky. My eyes widen, I almost missed dawn break.

I jolt up, swaying my messy bangs on top of my forehead backwards and I didn't care if I woke the others up. I looked at a very tall tree across me and ran towards it. My hands held tight firms on its branches as I climbed upwards, climbing to see dawn break, my reminder of how I need to find Jimin, if not I'll die. Drops of sweat formed in my neck and jaw, as I was closer to the top branches of the tree, gusts of wind messed up my hair more than it already was.

My eyes widen at the sight, my lips part in amazement. "I didn't miss it" I let out a small laugh while I balance my right hand on a branch and make sure both of my feet are steady on the thick branch. The beautiful dawn that is almost ending as the sun fully appears on the horizon, lots of bright yellow, red, pink, orange decorating the sky and the outline of the dark grey looking clouds.

"I will find you today Jimin. I will...I'm this close" I chuckle as a small tear leaves my eyes, a flashback comes into my mind, and my dream from last night, something I can't understand.

Darkness is everywhere, are my eyes open? I continuously blink them but darkness still surrounds me, until my voice breaks the silence and a white light appears, the silhouette of a man hanging his head down.

"Please" My voice pleads with sorrow, but I can't feel my lips moving.

"No..." There's also sorrow in the other's voice. I try to walk forward and I'm successfully able to. My legs walk step by step, the steps echoing in the darkness and the illuminated silhouette of a man I don't know or I can't seem to recognize him at the moment.

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