Chapter 4: The Forbidden Books

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As soon as Jin entered the Royal Library with a tight grip on Taehyung's hand, he locked the doors. "W-What are you going to do Jin hyung?" The younger male gulped nervously as Jin started walking in direction of a specific bookcase dragging Taehyung along. "I'm going to prove it. Taehyung, what I'm about to show you is a top secret. Not even Jungkook knows about this, its forbidden. Because you are my friend...I'm sharing it with you and also to prove it to you..." Jin stopped as soon as he spotted a book on the old dusty bookcase along with very dusty old books.

The book was dark blue, with letters in cursive gold written in it vertically. It read: 'Mageía' . Jin grabbed the book with his free hand and pulled it towards him with slow force but he didn't drag the book out, instead a strange sound formed from behind the bookcase and the whole rack of dusty books slowly turned around in a circle to the left, making shrieking sounds of an old door opening. Jin looked at Taehyung's amazed and surprised reaction and walked forward still holding a tight grip on Taehyung, fearing that if he lets go of the younger male, Taehyung will run away.

Jin walked down a pair of stairs surrounded by nothing but darkness and carefully guiding the younger male so Taehyung won't trip and fall. The older male came to a stop as soon as the stairs ended, Jin turned to his right and suddenly the room became brighter, small fire flames formed on torches all around the room. 'Just like when Jimin used to do it. How did Jin find this room?' Taehyung was amazed by everything. Once the whole dusty old rom became brighter, Jin slowly let go of Taehyung's hand.

"This is my secret. I found this hidden place, there are magic books filled with spells and I've read every single one in them. And you, Kim Taehyung, I'm one hundred percent sure that necklace you have, is filled with magic." Jin tried grabbing Taehyung's necklace from his neck but Taehyung tried to stepped away. "J-Jin hyung! NO!" As soon as Jin became in contact with the white crystal of the necklace, the necklace started shining and Jin hissed returning his hand. "W-What the hell? I knew it! Tae you are a sorcerer! You're Jimin!" Jin tried not to shout and grabbed his right hand in pain.

"I-I told you I'm not Jimin. I'm not a sorcerer..." Taehyung was really debating whether to tell Jin or not.

'If he has his own secret about loving to read these books of magic, will he sacrifice everything by telling Jungkook about me?' The younger male sighed defeated.

"How much do you love magic?" Taehyung asked the older male who was massaging his burning hand.

"I would do anything to see magic, I believe magic is amazing. It's the power of nature and I personally hate the fact that magic is forbidden all because of that incident that happened all those years ago between King Jeon and Park... I only saw magic once and since then I love it, its amazing..." Jin kept his eyes on Taehyung as the younger male finally decided.

"I'm not a sorcerer, but...if I tell you this, it will only be our secret. I'll tell you everything but you can never, ...ever tell Jungkook. He will hang us both if he finds out and he will be heart broken." The younger male said with a very serious tone making his voice grow deeper with every word.

"I promise" Jin nodded extending his injured hand and the younger male extended his. Both of them shaking hands and sealing an unbreakable promise which can end both of their lives if it's revealed.

Taehyung slowly rose his hands to the necklace hanging from his neck, he lifted his hands and once the necklace no longer hanged around his neck, the younger male's eyes turned dark brown, his silver hair turned dark chocolate brown to his natural color. He was back to his natural look.

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