Chapter 22: Execution

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The Ilsan prince marched with an unreadable expression as he pointed his sword to the back of the prisoner. A line of knights followed the prince as they all had serious expressions; void of any emotion. Through the dim lit passageways of the castle they all walked in direction of one place; where the execution will be held. The prisoner with barely much strength kept his head hanged low as his messed up silver locks hanged over his face while he felt the twisting of his stomach, his chained and shackled hands in front of his stomach and the pair of clothes the raven-haired prince had given him the prior days looked worn out. Now marching their way through the hallways of the castle, the prisoner made no reaction to anyone; his body only focused on the nervousness that took over it. The Royal King and Queen of Busan were seated in the thrones their servants had organized for them in the plaza. Crowds of countless people from Busan attended, all of them looking forward to see the face of the last sorcerer who'll be killed mercilessly before them. The King had a smirk on his face he continuously thought 'Justice will finally be served' and his wife The Queen had a mysterious gaze, one could not tell what she was thinking by looking at her yet tension was written all over her expressionless face. The Prince of Busan Jeon Jungkook was not seen at any moment and that worried his father for the King wished his son to witness the execution of the man that mentally tortured him by the curse yet the King was clueless to the love affairs between the two lovers and one of them being the prisoner soon-to-be executed right before everyone.

"Where's Jungkook?" The King asked one of his manservants and the servant bowed his head before answering in a calm tone. "The Prince is not in his chambers, the maids have not seen him. He's nowhere to be seen Your Highness." The manservant bowed his head once more before retiring back to wait for any other moment his master calls him. "Where is he Your Highness?" The Queen asked as she leaned closer to her husband but the King sighed. "I guess he won't come. Either way, I'll proceed." The King stood up after finishing his sentence and everyone below him bowed. "Welcome Busan people. I have very important news to deliver. Three days ago, our elite knights finally rescued our Prince Jungkook from the hands of the sorcerer. The elite knights had successfully caught the sorcerer and that's why everyone is gathered here." The King paused and smirked while looking at the crowd. He felt his pride reach the sky with his crown just on top of his head as he saw the formation of knights marching their way.

The silver-haired sorcerer stopped walking and he felt the sharp blade of the sword slightly press against his back. He breathed in and breathed out to calm himself. "Move" The deep voice of Prince Namjoon warned him that he needed to resume walking and the sorcerer nodded; Jimin knew Namjoon was trying not to add much pressure on his weak back and he internally thanked him for it. The sorcerer kept his head hanged down as he heard the different voices of people but he finally raised his head when he heard his name roll of the King's lips from afar just like how a bid caller announces the most rarest and exclusive item in an auction.

"To witness the execution of the last sorcerer alive. People of Busan behold! Park Jimin!" The King raised his left hand and pointed it afar in direction where the silver haired sorcerer was just raising his head. Jimin's eyes looked dead, his face was void of any emotion and his plump lips seemed to stand out as the rays of sunlight shined on them. The crowd gasped and began whispering among themselves, they were seeing Park Jimin for the first time and most maidens analyzed the handsome features of the sorcerer while men glared at the sorcerer. Jimin extended his right leg and began walking forward ignoring the gazes and whispers men and women held on him. The sorcerer's pupils locked on the three thrones up in the plaza, in one sat the Queen, the second one was the King's and the third one was empty. 'Where's Jungkook?' Jimin thought of this question as he stared at the empty throne seat yet his lover was nowhere to be seen, let alone he couldn't feel his presence or Taehyung's.

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