Chapter 15: Caught in a Lie

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Why?!" The same voice keeps yelling at me through this darkness; not just any voice, but Taehyung's deep raspy voice. His voice cracks as soon as he shouts; I hear his breathing hitching and my heart ached.

"Tae?! Where are you?" I shout back, not sure if this is just a dream or reality. The pain I'm feeling is too real for this to be just a dream.

Taehyung doesn't act, instead, my mind begins to hurt and the voice speaks once again. "Meet me at the tree where we used to play" The voice fades and my mind becomes fuzzy, the darkness that surrounds me is slowly consuming me. I shout but my voice doesn't react, instead, I see my father in the horizon with his teary eyes spilling silver tears.

"Father!!!" I try to reach out but my body can't move.

"You kissed him. Jimin, it wasn't time yet. Mark my words, tell him the t-"

Flashing my eyes open, I gather all the strength my body could handle and I run to the window. I pull the curtains apart and duck my head outside; expulsing every ounce of nutrients that my stomach held, down the grass. I empty my stomach, ignoring how my body is completely naked and sweat drips down my collarbone. My mind keeps repeating Taehyung's voice.

"Meet me at the tree where we used to play"

The same sentence, over and over again, just my insides curl and twist thinking about it. Why do they? Is it that? Is it Taehyung's voice repeating that sentence over and over again? I sigh and retract my head from outside the window; my knees are almost giving up on me. I lean my body against my drawer for a few seconds until I've had enough of the same sentence eating my mind. Carefully, I open one of the drawers where my black cloak is and I place it on myself along with my pants that were on the floor as well as my shoes. As my lower region screams in pain, I endure it and look on my herbs shelf for a mint herb; when I find it, I eat it to end the bad taste my mouth has. I limp towards the bed and sit in the corner; he hasn't woken up yet.

What was father going to say to me?

I can't remember...

I caress his bangs and peck his lips before limping my way outside. The small flames that lit the living room a few hours ago were long gone so I walked carefully to the front door. When I exited, I looked for Red and saw her sleeping; what amazes me is that the basket and Jungkook's and I's shirts were on the steps of our porch. I try my best to walk with the black cape covering my whole body except my face and slowly wake Red up. "Red" I whisper while patting her nose.

Her eyes slowly open and she gets startled. "Can you take me somewhere?" I ask, hoping that she could at least help me get to where Taehyung's voice keeps repeating. She gets up and lowers her neck completely. I smile and mount her. "Ahh..." I hiss when my rare end makes contact with her back. I hug her neck for support and lean my head against her neck. "Red, Take me to the tree where I told Jungkook I played with my friend." She begins walking in direction of the lake.

"Thanks for bringing our stuff." I peck her hair and she neighs; she's so intelligent and understanding.

As soon as my eyes spot the tree at the distance, I don't see anything except for the dark silhouette of the tree. Red lowers herself on the ground and I carefully lower my self off of her. I lean my head against the long tree and close my eyes while Red stays with me. I wait and wait until my eyes feel a presence. I flash my eyes open and whisper "Fotiá". Small flames begin to float in the air and I come in contact with Taehyung's dark chocolate eyes. He's wearing a black cloak and he has the hood on with his platinum blonde locks in display.

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