Extra Chapter: The Importance of a First Kiss

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__________________|| A/N: 100K Reads already?I'm so glad all of you havesticked by this book!💜🤧I wrote this extra chapter asan appreciation and thank youfor this💜Enjoy and Take care!❤️ ||__________________

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|| A/N: 100K Reads already?
I'm so glad all of you have
sticked by this book!💜🤧
I wrote this extra chapter as
an appreciation and thank you
for this💜
Enjoy and Take care!❤️ ||

There was havoc in the Palace ruled by the Jeon's; the walls almost trembled, someone was furious and worried. Inside the throne room, King Jungkook furiously scoffed and ordered the knights to complete their jobs of finding a really special someone, that special someone was no other than Princess Dae Sook. His husband King Jimin sat by his side with a worried expression on his features. He couldn't sit still, his daughter was missing. The years had treated both of them well, no amount of wrinkles could be seen on either's face other than their sharpened and mature features; they were in their middle thirties.

"Where is she?" Jimin needed to find her whereabouts as soon as possible and calm his husband's furious shouts.

"I can't just stay still Jungkook, I need to find her. Who knows what could've happened to her. She's just fifteen." The sorcerer stood up from his throne and glanced back at his husband who returned the gesture. They needed to use magic to find her whereabouts. "Dangsin-eun, Where are you going?" The raven-haired king held onto his husband's hand, their worried exchanges increasing with the minutes that passed by.

"I need Young Jae and Min Myung's magical abilities. Follow me." The sorcerer gripped his husband's hand and led him to the chambers of their son Prince Young Jae. "Young Jae is too small Jimin, what would a spell that big do to him? He's just twelve." Jungkook's demeanor had calmed a little in the few moments they've been running, he always calms down whenever his husband held his hand.

Upon arriving to Young Jae's chambers (Jungkook's old chambers when he was the prince), Jimin opened the door and saw the prince sitting in his bed. "Appa? Have you found Dae Sook noona yet?" The twelve-year-old straightened his posture when he saw his two fathers approach the bed with worried expressions. "Not yet. Where's Min-ah? We need your help." Jimin looked around the room in search of the boy named Min Myung until the door of the bathroom opened. A little boy around six years exited the bathroom. The little boy was an identical copy of Jeon Jimin, the silver locks over his head were there to reassure that.

"Appa!" The little boy ran in direction of the two kings and jumped in Jungkook's arms. "My youngest baby." It was a medicine. Min Myung's arms around the raven-haired king's neck were so soothing, the bundle of sunshine washed all the anger away; after all, Jeon Min Myung was their youngest son.

"Is Dae noona already back? She promised to return quickly." The youngest one asked his father.

Jimin's head shifted so quickly, his neck almost broke at the action. "What? Did she tell you where she was going?" He raised his hand to caress his son's soft silk silver locks. "She said she'd go watch the sunset with Hwan Gi hyungie and Yun Seok hyungie." The innocent little boy confessed completely oblivious of what he was saying. Feeling betrayed, Jungkook almost fisted his knuckles but instead he analyzed what his son had just confessed.

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