Chapter 30: A Sorcerer's Kiss

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"Nae agi~ Na neun dangsin-i modeun~ nae maeumeul gajin salang~ My baby~ I love you with all my heart~"

"Nae agi~ Na neun dangsin-i modeun~ nae maeumeul gajin salang~ My baby~ I love you with all my heart~"

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The dark new moon hovered above the infinite star-filled dark sky. All different animals were out to live on with their lives; just a normal midnight where nature enjoyed the company of the new moon. Throughout the Busan Kingdom, men and women danced, drank beer, and cheered with music. In the tavern The Pink Flower, the Royal Librarian loosely drank a cup of beer as he laughed with his lover the Prince of Ilsan. Both of them enjoying the night and celebrating not only their bloomed relationship as lovers but also the successful healthy birth of the Princess Jeon Dae Sook, the niece they will protect even after death.

In Jungkook's private study, the platinum-blonde haired man servant was organizing and arranging a task the newly-father prince had asked him to do as a friend. Taehyung hummed to himself with a smile as he was still remembering the first time he held his niece in his arms. "If anyone tries anything against her, they will have to go through my sword first, then Jin hyung's wrath, then Namjoon hyung's sword, and if they survive, they shall perish to Par- Jeon Jimin and Jeon Jungkook." A silent chuckle was made by his lips and he continued humming with a silly smile while working on his assigned task. Meanwhile, the King of Daegu and his lover were snuggled up to each other in their chambers on the Daegu Kingdom. They were set to depart to Busan the next morning and they were more than joyful of the travelled news of Princess Dae Sook's birth. Everyone was ecstatic of the news, the sorcerers' lineage will continue to live with humans, but the only people aware of the small detail concerning the Princess not being able to wield magic, was known between the physician Kang Ho Dong, the Queen, Seokjin, Prince Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, and soon, Hoseok and Yoongi.

In the newly-fathers' chambers, soft snores escaped the sorcerer's plump lips as he rested in deep slumber with his cheek pressed against the clothed chest of his lover. The raven-haired prince had small black bags under his eyes from exhaustion, he was sleeping as he held Jimin close to him. They needed to take advantage of every moment of sleep they could before the loud cries beside their bed began to pierce their screams and awake them from slumber. Beside the bed of the two newly-fathers, a medium-sized crib made of the finest wood decorated with soft pearl-colored silk sheets rested a small red faced baby girl with closed eyes, her small body completely wrapped in a yellow handmade blanket (The Queen knitted it). Her red cheeks puffed out as a small drop slobber hanged from her thin bottom lip, her round head had a few strands of raven hair and she slept peacefully without making a sound.

In his sleep, the raven-haired prince was unconsciously holding his fiancé tighter in his arms. The asleep prince's brows knitted together and his nose scrunched; the muscles in his legs stiffed, especially his thighs. A bead of sweat formed through his raven orbs on his forehead. The sorcerer was slowly being awoken from his needed slumber, he scrunched his nose and slowly raised his head from Jungkook's clothed chest. Jimin saw how Jungkook was experiencing something horrible, let alone when he raised his hand to cup his fiancé's cheek, a sudden feeling of fear ran through his arms; just as if a centipede crawled all over his arms and down his spine. Jimin's widened eyes watered and he began to shake his fiancé's body. "Jungkook" He gently shook the prince's shoulder with his left hand while his right began to cup the younger's cheek.

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