Chapter 2: Deceitful Words From a Servant

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—HP OST: Saving Buckbeack

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—HP OST: Saving Buckbeack

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Through the forest, Prince Jungkook pulled on the rails of his his white stallion, advancing closer and deeper inside. The search for Park Jimin had begun and there had yet been any sightings of the sorcerer. Despite that, he was deeply concerned of the information Seokjin had confessed. Taehyung and Jimin were his priorities. If Taehyung had deceived him, he had yet to think of possible outcomes. Betrayal stabbed him in the chest, figuratively speaking.

Lost in his thoughts filled with betrayal and revenge, Jungkook almost missed the figure of a man walk past an old tree, accidentally almost tripping on the protruding thick roots. He forcefully pulled on the horse's rails and pat the side of its neck. It was a signal for the horse to stop. Cautiously, he took cover, immedialy dismounting the horse and cross-tying it to the trunk of a small maple tree. He watched his steps and unleashed his sword.

The face of the figure still wasn't clear.

Was it Park Jimin?

The snap of a twig perked up Jungkook's ears. From where he hid—behind another large tree—a sneak attack could easily be done and that was his plan. No matter who it was, he was prepared. Let it be Jimin or Taehyung. Whoever it was, they would face him. Despite his clear feelings, the truth was that deep down he hoped it would be Jimin specifically. As soon as the figure walked past the tree, he jumped right out and swung his sword at the unexpected male's neck.

"Woah! Easy there!" Taehyung startled, hands up in the air.

Sheathing his sword with a frustrated sigh, the prince glared at the servant. "What are you doing here! I could've hurt you or worse, killed you," he said, maintining judging eyes at the male.

Why, had been the real question. If Taehyung had stayed back after the speech, Jungkook would have had more than one reason to judge or feel betrayed by the man. For what excuse exactly would Taehyung say his reasons for leaving were? He was not on duty when the prince woke up. Despite their friendship, the prince's mind was biased towards the betrayal and possible relation between the sorcerer and Taehyung.

In other words, Jungkook was not gullible enough to be all right with the fact that Taehyung ignored his job to serve the prince because of the sole fact that Park Jimin could be involved some way.

Taehyung awkwardly laughed in an embarrassed way, portraying innocence in his features. It was his specialty to make himself look pitiful and he used it to his advantage. "I was meeting with my older brother. Apparently, I'm only needed for money," he answered. "But that's not important. I was on my way back to you. Are you feeling better?"

He made up an excuse on the moment. There was no way he could say the truth for obvious purposes.

Jungkook did not buy a sentence that came out of Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung's job was to be by his side. But where was the male when he fainted in front of the kingdom? Meeting with an elder brother? If that was not some pathetic excuse, he swore to himself that he would clean his own chambers for the upcoming days and even give Taehyung a bath; only of he was being deceived.

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