Chapter 11: Small Flame

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Author's P.O.V

Just a typical morning in the lake, Jimin was deciding whether he should throw Jungkook into the lake and leave him to drown for his pervert customs. "What did you call me?" The prince acted offended; though he was just pretending; his true purpose was to tease the sorcerer and maybe get him flustered. Jimin blushed and brushed his thoughts away.

'Does he know that I can sense his vibes? Maybe I'll tease him. Two can play this game' Jimin began lifting his shirt exposing his belly button and a few abdominals marked until his whole upper body was exposed and his eyes flashed silver. A big wave of water suddenly formed and splashed Jungkook. Jimin grabbed this chance to slip out of his left clothing and jump into water of the lake while Jungkook's gasp and scoff echoed in the forest.

"YAH!! MY CLOTHES ARE WET!!" The prince sighed and groaned. Stripping himself of his clothing, he began swimming in the water in search of the sorcerer who was swimming farther away from him. The water hugged both males' naked bodies; and a lovely morning turned into noon after a small water fight between the said males, but nothing other than that happened.

Though Jimin was laughing on the outside, on the inside he was panicking, from time to time, his eyes wouldn't pry themselves off of Jungkook's body. Deep down, the sorcerer started feeling it; a small spark that would later on be ignited until the spark took over his body and he'll give himself to the cursed prince. The prince was having fun, he hadn't laughed like he did today in a really long time; and that's a lot to say because very deep within his soul, the feelings he had for none other than the sorcerer's best friend Kim Taehyung, were slowly being replaced by a warming flame that only Park Jimin controlled.

"Thanks for today Jimin" Jungkook laughed while he and the sorcerer made eye contact. And just like a gust of wind, the sorcerer returned the smile.

"You're welcome. I had a lot of fun swimming with you, we should do this more often. What if we come tomorrow afternoon?" Jimin offered while swaying his silver hair back with his hands and staring back at Jungkook.

"I'd love that. Maybe tomorrow we can bring food too so we wouldn't have to leave because we're hungry" The prince chuckled and the sorcerer giggled. The two males began swimming to the shallows of the lake where soon both of them would dress in their clothing and return to the wooden house where Jimin spend his childhood in.


In the Daegu Kingdom, the Jung Hoseok sighed as he passed back and forth in the King's chambers with his lover waiting in the bed with nothing more than a white silk blanket covering his naked body. "Hobi? Something wrong?" The King called out to his lover as the said male glanced at his lover with a look of worry on his face.

"Yoongi, Jimin hasn't send word to us. I worry that something bad happened. Jungkook hasn't been found too so that means they are together." The younger male walked towards the bed and sat in the corner just in front his lover and gently brushing his fingers through his lover's hair.

"I'm worried too, but there's nothing we can do. I think Jimin kidnapped Jungkook and has a plan. I can't interfere with that, you know that. Remember what I told you the day they disappeared... Jimin is the key to the destruction or the salvation, per the prophecy." The King sighed and hugged his lover, turning their bodies so Hoseok could be caged under him.

"Ji Yong used to know my father and my father was friends with a seer before all magic was extinct. The seer predicted that during the times of extinction the last Park will meet with a Jeon and their fate will be the destruction or the salvation of the kingdoms. But I think Jimin will be the salvation." The King locked lips with the plebeian male and the memory of his father and Ji Yong faded from his mind.

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