Chapter 29: Preterm Birth

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(A/N: Play the song when you see this mark ~~in front of a paragraph)

The sky was clear of clouds, the wind blowed through the trees, animals were out playing, and the couple was sitting in the grass enjoying a moment of silence by their bed. Jimin was silently sleeping in Jungkook's arms. The sorcerer leaned his head in the crook of the prince's neck as his hands protectively and softly held his swollen stomach while the prince leaned his back against a tree and he closed his eyes while his hands held Jimin in his lap. A few trees away, Prince Namjoon was having an awkward silence with Seokjin. The prince of Ilsan was finally confessing his love for the Royal Librarian today and he was really nervous. "Um... Jin hyung?" Namjoon spoke in a deep voice drawing the attention of the older. "What?" Seokjin answerd with a kind gaze as he crossed his legs on the green grass they were both sitting on. "I... want to say something." He paused to glance at the librarian's reaction and when he saw Seokjin raised an eyebrow he continued after gulping.

"I've fallen in love with you." The Ilsan Prince finally said the words he's longed to say from the moment he met with the ex-owner of The Pink Flower.

A pink rush of heat gathered in Seokjin's cheeks, his hair tips were messily moving with the wind as his dark chocolate eyes were wide and glued on Prince Namjoon. "Why did you take so long to say that?" Seokjin raised his hands and hanged them around Namjoon's neck before he could lean his head forward and lock his red plump lips on the dirty blonde-haired prince for the first time. "I've fallen in love with you too. I've waited so long for this..." A small giggle left the librarian's lips against the younger's. "Be my lover." Namjoon caressed Seokjin's light brown hair and the librarian nodded as tears threatened to escape his eyes. Finally, after almost seven years, Namjoon had confessed his love for the Royal Librarian Kim Seokjin.

As Jimin was sleeping soundly, Jungkook opened his eyes and watched over his lover with affection. He was in deep thought trying to think of names for their unborn child. "Mmm" Jimin's eyebrows furrowed before his closed lips moaned and the dream he was having faded away. "Ow..." The sorcerer opened his eyes as he gently rubbed his hands over his swollen stomach. "Jagiya, What happened?" Jungkook softly asked as he noticed the sudden expression on Jimin's face. "Another kick, a strong one at that." Jungkook could only chuckle which made Jimin elbow him in the abdomen. "What? Our baby's like me." The raven-haired prince began to rub against the sorcerer's stomach and Jimin closed his eyes at the gentle touch of his lover. "Jungkook-ah, What do you want to have?" Jimin asked as he continued leaning his head against the younger's neck.

Jungkook bit his lip before answering, "I don't care what gender our baby is, what I care is that he or she is healthy like their dad." The prince pecked the silver bangs of the sorcerer and Jimin nodded. "What about Jeon Young Jae for a boy. It means 'One destined to be properous.' And Jeon Dae Sook for a girl? Her first name means 'Great One' and her second name means 'Pure Nature'. Jimin's eyes sparkled as he nodded. "Both names are beautiful and perfect, they combine perfectly for the next sorcerer on Earth." Jungkook smiled proudly of himself and continued holding his lover in his arms. After a silence took over the two lovers, Jimin suddenly felt another kick. "Ow!" The sorcerer raised his head and Jungkook's eyes widened at the sudden move. "Someone's feisty." The young prince chuckled but his words faded when he felt warm liquid in his pants. "Jimin did you just pee on me?"

~~ The sorcerer's hands raised from his stomach to hold Jungkook's raven locks. "ARGH!!" Jimin screamed in pain at the sudden heat and liquid that left his bottom. "N-Not a time for joking. I-I think my w-water just broke." The sorcerer gripped tightly onto the prince's raven hair and Jungkook panicked. "B-But it's just been four days since our engagement! It's too early!" Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's calf and his other hand around his lover's waist so he could carry him before lifting their bodies off the ground. "NAMJOON HYUNG! JIN HYUNG!" Jimin screamed the names of their two friends and he began to pant. At their names being screamed by the sorcerer, the two now lovers wasted no second in running towards the engaged couple. "What happened?!" Seokjin asked as he saw Jimin let out a mix of groans and pants in Jungkook's arms as the raven-haired prince was beginning to run in direction of the Palace. "He's about to give birth. Jimin that h-hu-uAHH!" Jungkook groaned when Jimin pulled on his hair with force. "Don't you dare tell me what to do! Oh my uggghh!" Jimin felt a sudden force trying to pull his bottom apart and he screamed.

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