Chapter 9: Gained Trust

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The prince could feel the sorcerer's warm breath fanning over his top and bottom lip. Slowly, Jungkook closed his eyes little by little; waiting for the moment he's been wanting ever since his tenth's birthday, the moment where he's free. Jungkook's eyelashes made contact with his lower eyelid expecting Jimin's plump lips to touch his. The sorcerer almost closed his eyes until he saw his father's chained arms and the same warning broke his trance. His father shouting at him 'Don't kiss him until he loves you!' and Jimin blinked once staring at how close his face was with Jungkook's. The sorcerer stepped backwards and left the room steading his heartbeat while he walked to the porch of the house; leaving the prince to open his eyes as soon as he didn't feel the sorcerer's breath fanning over his lips. Jungkook blinked twice and brought his left hand to touch his lips. Jungkook traced his lower lip with his thumb and index finger remembering how he felt Jimin's warm breath over them. The prince sighed and stared at the doorway where Jimin left. "So close" Jungkook mumbled and fought back a small tear that in the end didn't escape his eyes.

Jimin sat in the porch of his house; he hugged his knees and closed his eyes. 'I almost kissed him' He repeatedly thought and reminded of how he almost disobeyed his father's last command. Jimin felt completely weak now, he let tears escape his eyes until he felt a presence beside him; he didn't need to look up to know who was beside him, instead he stopped the tears that brimmed down his face.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I sat beside Jimin as he was in a weak moment. I didn't know what to do so I did the first thing that came to my mind whenever I saw someone close to me cry; I extended my left hand towards him and caressed his back. "Sorry" Jimin mumbled, he slowly raised his head but kept his lips and chin buried on his forearm resting on top of his knees as he stared at the sun setting; bright red, orange and yellow rays of light painted the sky, the rays of sunlight reflected on the tall trees and leafs. "Its okay" I whispered, my gaze never leaving his face. His silver bangs almost reach his nose; his eyes reflect water in them and his nose, a tad pink, I could see a few small freckles...he's beautiful.

For the first time right now, I feel as if I'm not cursed and Jimin's presence makes my heart beat faster by the second. Should I be feeling this? I watch how his eyes slowly close. Did he fall asleep? His head slowly leans to my left shoulder and leans on it. My heart is beating at a really fast pace now, my cheeks feel warmer than usual. Jimin's head is resting on my shoulder. I lower my gaze and observe him once again, now that his whole face is revealed. His lips are pink and plump; they look beautiful, only those lips can break my curse. Should I kiss them right now? He's fast asleep... I can take Red and leave after I kiss him... Should I?

"I'm a man of my word"


"Thank you"

I sigh and turn my gaze from Jimin's lips to the sunset, in a few minutes the sun will complete setting. I won't kiss him... I made a deal and he's keeping his part, I need to keep mine. I need to take him to his room before night arrives so I can see where I'm walking. Slowly I raise Jimin's right arm and wrap it around my neck. I carry him bridal style, hissing a little and ignoring the pain coming from my right shoulder and I carry him to his room. I gently place him on his bed and then touch his hair. "So soft" I mumble and with a smile on my face I whisper "Good night Jimin" before exiting his bedroom and walking to mine.

The next day, I wake up by someone shaking my shoulder. "Jungkook" I slowly open my eyes and I meet Jimin's. "You wanted to watch dawn break right? The sun is starting to show" He really woke me up for sunrise? I smile and get up quickly, completely regretting that decision as I groan while touching my right shoulder. "How did your wound open? Jungkook did you apply strength in your right arm? Take off your shirt. I need to change the cloth." Jimin instructed me while he examined the water beside my bed that still had the mixture of water and herbs in it. This time, as soon as Jimin finishes changing the cloth, he backs away. "You didn't kiss me last night" Jimin leans his head on the doorframe and I nod. "I was tempted but I'm a man of my word" I show him my right wrist where the black mark of my curse is and grab my shirt.

"Do you want to accompany me to hunt breakfast?" Jimin asks and I shake my head. "I'll stay here, I wouldn't be able to help you anyway." I answer and he nods. "I'll walk so you can stay with Red" Jimin exits the room and I hear the front door close after a few seconds. Sighing, I get up and look out the window. The sun is out now; he woke me up. I smile to myself while staring in the distance the bright yellow sun rising between the clouds. "Thank you" I laugh at my thoughts. He's nicer...I like it. I look down at my shoulder and continue smiling.

Author's P.O.V

Later on that day in the Busan Kingdom, Seokjin and Taehyung were in the secret passageway surrounded by books about sorcery and ancient history about old clans. Taehyung sat in a chair while reading a book about the Silver Heads; the book mentioned how the Silver Heads were a rare kind. Seokjin was examining books in the shelf that Taehyung had found previous days before and his eyes stopped on a book that had a black cover and silver writing 'Imerológio'

Seokjin opened the book and called Taehyung quickly. "Taehyung, you better see this" The older pointed at the first page.

"Imerológio means diary" Taehyung translated it while reading the cover.

"Not that. Read the name on the first page!" The older raised the book towards the younger's face.

"Property of Park Dong Hae" Taehyung read out loud and raised and dropped his shoulders in confusement. He didn't understand why Seokjin kept pointing that out. Seokjin groaned and pointed back at the painting on the wall where Park Ji Yong, King Jeon and the man called Dong Hae were. "That's Park Dong Hae. I think that this place was his study or something. I have a bad feeling about this" Seokjin told the younger and Taehyung looked back at the painting.

"Do you think Uncle Ji Yong and Dong Hae were related?" Taehyung raised his brow and Seokjin nodded.

"Something about this is fishy, let's read his diary" The younger grabbed the book from Seokjin's hand and sat himself on the chair once again and began reading on a random page out loud so the older could hear.

"Year 1523 September 26. I had a magic duel today with Ji Yong in the arena. Everyone was rooting for him but Taeyeon and Seung Hyun kept rooting for both of us. Ji Yong blocked the fire eagles followed by the tornados I sent him twice, he's gotten stronger but I still defeated him. In a few weeks Min Sae will give birth and Seung Hyun's Coronation and marriage will take place. I still can't get Taeyeon off my mind; I've tried so many times but I can't. I'm heartbroken. Why did she had to choose Jeon instead of me?" Taehyung stopped reading and faced Seokjin both of them wide eyed.

"Keep reading!" Seokjin ordered the younger and Taehyung kept reading. Both of them were intrigued and curious about Dong Hae's story and they knew there was more to it. Internally, Seokjin thought contiuously 'There's more to the story than just King Jeon killing all sorcerers because of Ji Yong.'

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