Chapter 12: Tears

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A silent tear slid down Jimin's cheek as his plump lips pressed softly against the back of his own hand. His heart was conflicted, he didn't want to admit it but he was in love with the prince. The spark his heart held took over and was ignited into a flame. But why was he crying if he was in love with the prince? His tears were pouring now; he slowly backed away from the prince and lifted himself up.

Jimin began walking inside the wooden house as his eyes continued to let tears escape them; trying to wipe the tears with his sleeves, his body was turned around and his face collided against Jungkook's chest. The prince had gotten up from the grass and embraced the sorcerer tightly, his hold on Jimin was gentle and warm; just like how lovers console each other. "You don't have to tell me why. Just let me hold you like this" Jungkook whispered and closed his eyes as his chin rested on top of Jimin's silver locks.

A small part of Jimin's heart still thought of how he needed to kiss Jungkook when the prince falls in love with him but what Jimin sensed earlier was that though Jungkook may be falling in love with Jimin, the prince wasn't yet his completely. The sorcerer's arms began holding the prince's waist accepting the hug from Jungkook, Jimin silently cried in his chest for a few minutes.

The night passed and Jungkook ended up carrying Jimin to his bed, even if Jimin was still awake, the prince insisted. The sorcerer worried for the prince's injury but the prince was already healed because of the herbs Jimin had given him in the morning; after all, the herbs were prepared years and years prior by Ji Yong who cast a spell on them. The prince carried Jimin bridal style to his bed and laid him on top of the bed after removing the sorcerer's shoes. Jungkook swiftly passed his fingers through Jimin's soft silver locks as the sorcerer was close to falling asleep. "Sleep" The prince whispered with a soft voice.

"...Sleep beside me" Jimin mumbled while blushing and tried moving to the side of the wall to try and make more space for the younger male. The prince smiled kindly at the sorcerer; Jungkook laid himself beside Jimin on the bed after being sure to remove his shoes. Jungkook turned to his side and faced the sorcerer's tired pink eyes still stained with a few tears. The prince lifted his hand and wiped a few tears from the sorcerer's face with his thumb, hoping Jimin won't cry anymore.

"Thank you" Jimin's soft angelic voice ringed in Jungkook's ears. The prince nodded and mouthed 'sleep' to the sorcerer making Jimin close his eyes and try to catch his sleep.

Even after a few minutes, Jimin couldn't fall asleep; he slowly peaked at Jungkook and got startled when he saw the prince was looking at him. "J-Jungkook?" Jimin stuttered; his cheeks flushed with a light pink. The prince got lost in admiring the sorcerer's beautiful features. "Mm?" Jungkook hummed while blinking.

"I can't fall asleep..." Jimin mumbled. A few seconds of silence passed and Jungkook opened his arms; he made Jimin place his head on his chest while the prince's fingers passed through Jimin's silver locks. "I'll sing you a song, so try to sleep" The sorcerer nodded.

"Oeroumi gadeukhi~ Pieoissneun i garden~ Gasituseongi Mmh~ I moraeseonge nan nal maeeosseo"

Jimin closed his eyes and tried catching his sleep listening to Jungkook's soft angelic voice sing to him as he tries finding his sleep; both of their heartbeats beat a slow pace. The prince smiled while singing, this was his first time like this with the sorcerer, and he loved it. He loved the position they were in, he loved to feel Jimin's warmth against his chest, he loved feeling Jimin's soft exhales and he loved seeing Jimin's expression as he slept; it became his second favorite expression of the sorcerer, the first one was when Jimin smiled.

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