Chapter 8: Third Man

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(A/N: Orchestral BTS Covers actually mix well with the story. Listen to the songs while reading if you want to.)

Seokjin's P.O.V

Taehyung wore the necklace once again and I'm still processing how he's linked with Jimin. "If you want to, you can come here with me until Jungkook and Namjoon return" I told Taehyung while biting my lip expecting an answer.

"I don't mind..." Taehyung began looking around the dusty old sorcery books and I followed him.

"How long has it been since you discovered this place?"

I exhale and begin to think of an answer for Taehyung's question. I've been coming here since.... maybe one year and a few months but should I answer him that? "A year and a few months..." I kept this secret from Namjoon and the Royal Highnesses. "Were you able to understand them?" Taehyung asks while picking a big book with a dark green cover and golden cursive letters engraved in its side "Kókkinos" Taehyung read out loud.

"Not completely but some of the words. Do you understand it?" I ask.

"Kókkinos means Scarlet. This book is about the Red Heads and their history." Taehyung showed me the pages and I started learning more. He gave me the book and started searching for other books while I began reading until I heard a gasp and the ground started shaking lightly.

"What did you do?!" I almost shout and run towards Taehyung, the wall in front of him suddenly had separated and more books were revealed along with a new wall. This was my first time seeing this. Taehyung stepped closer and his eyes widened.

"These are books that have dark spells in them." Taehyung showed me a book with a black cover and no letters were engraved in it. I widen my eyes even more as I see a canvas on the wall.

"T-Taehyung... Look at that" I point at the canvas in the wall with my eyes widened and my mouth forming an 'o' shape.

"That's Uncle Ji Yong... King Jeon and someone else..." Taehyung's eyebrows furrow.

The canvas is a painting of Park Ji Yong smiling in the throne room with clothes that seem like only royals or important people would wear, his silver hair shining, on his right is King Jeon with a prince's crown over his head with a smile and another man with long silver hair that is smiling while leaning his arm on the throne. "Who's the third person?" I ask Taehyung but he shakes his head.

"I don't know" I hear Taehyung mumble and then my eyes land on a paper below the canvas. I focus my eyes on it and read what it says out loud.

"Park Ji Yong, Prince Jeon Seung hyun and Park Dong Hae. Two weeks before the Prince's Coronation. My three best friends, I painted this for your beautiful friendship, with love.

- Kim Taeyeon"

I'm confused, I've never heard of that name. King Jeon used to be Park Ji Yong's best friend? And there were two Parks? "I'm confused...." Taehyung turns his head to look at me and I nod in agreement.

"I think this was before Sorcery was forbidden." I keep my gaze on Park Ji Yong's happy expression in the painting. Taehyung and I close the hidden passage and we bid our goodbyes for the night after a few more hours of looking at magic books. The next morning when I wake up, I'm greeted with horrible news and somehow, all of this is not a coincidence.

"The Prince has disappeared" A royal messenger informs me after I ate breakfast with Taehyung.

"It happened in the Daegu Kingdom, the last information I have is the Prince was chasing Park Jimin in the halls of the Daegu Palace and then they disappeared. Prince Namjoon is looking for them with the Royal Knights at this moment, that's all the information I have." The Royal Messenger bows and leaves the room. Taehyung and I face each other with widened eyes.

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