Chapter 19: Overwhelming Emotions

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The silence between exchanged stares of the four men consumed the atmosphere. With swift motions of their emitted breaths mixing with each other, only the sorcerer parted his lips in hopes to break the tense atmosphere that filled Jungkook's chambers. "Tae, What happened to us?" Jimin talked slowly as his hands intertwined with Jungkook's. The sorcerer met gazes with his life-long best friend whose face was filled with betrayal. "I...I was mad at you." The platinum blonde haired male answered as he bit his red lower lip trying not to gather any tears in his eyes. "Tae I...I'm sorry. I should have told you, I'm sorry too. I should have told you when I gave you the necklace." The sorcerer admitted while his lover gently rubbed his thumb over their intertwined fingers. "Yet you never kissed him and that made me mad. I... I loved him Jimin."

Jungkook's eyes enlarged and his eyes fell on his manservant as he listened to his love confession; love wasn't present in his gaze on Taehyung, only one of betrayal. "You loved me? Even if you loved me, you saw how Jimin and I loved each other yet you condemned him? Taehyung, you were my best friend too but you lost me the moment you brought the knights for us." Taehyung closed his eyes and the tears he refused to let form, had already started sliding down his cheeks as he nodded. "For that, I'm deeply sorry." The platinum blonde haired male slowly opened his red eyes and as shining tears slid down his red cheeks he kept his eyes on Jimin. "Chim... I'm sorry. This was my entire fault, I shouldn't have let hate consume me. I broke my promise as a friend and're going to die tomorrow." The crying male hanged his head in shame and the Ilsan prince slowly pat his back.

"And I beg for your forgiveness Jimin, I have inflicted pain on you and for all the times I mistreated you or caused you adversities." Prince Namjoon knelt on the floor and bowed his head resting it on top of his hands on the floor followed by Taehyung. Jimin's eyes widened for a few seconds before he slowly let go of Jungkook's hands and he fell on the floor in front of them but instead of his body collapsing on the floor, Jungkook caught him and gently balanced him. "Get up. Don't bow to me, I may not be able to use magic for now but I do know when someone is sincere with their words..." The sorcerer took a small pause before he resumed speaking. "And both of you are being sincere. I forgive you both; raise your heads. Prince Namjoon... you have the heart a king deserves to have, thank you for your apology; I've accepted it." Jimin's plump lips curved into a small smile that made the Ilsan prince tear up as he nodded.

"And Tae... I forgive you, come here..." Jimin opened his arms and Taehyung glanced at the raven-haired prince for permission. Jungkook sighed but nodded and as the tears fell from his eyes, Taehyung embraced the weak sorcerer's body with gentleness and carefulness. "Chim... We have to get you out of here before tomorrow." Taehyung slowly let go of his embrace and stepped back; he hoped that they could escape with Jimin and he won't be executed. Jungkook agreed as well as the Ilsan prince but soon they found themselves surprised and overwhelmed by the sorcerer's answer; which made Jungkook shed a single tear for the first time ever since the Ilsan prince and Taehyung knocked on his chamber's door.

"No, tomorrow I'll face the execution." Just that one sentence from the sorcerer triggered the boiling of Jungkook's blood and the prince shed a single tear. "NO! I will not let them kill you tomorrow! We'll get you out of here tonight! Namjoon, prepare Red for tonight. This evening I'll leave with Jimin." The lover of the sorcerer couldn't deal with the fact of the death sentence of the man he loved happening; who would?. "Please, Jungkook ah... I have to proceed with this. Just trust me..." Jimin lifted his hands to caress his lover's cheeks and he slowly leaned in to kiss Jungkook's rosy lips until a loud knock on the door interrupted their moment.

"Shit. Namjoon, Taehyung, please take Jimin to my bathroom for a moment until I deal with whoever knocked on the door." Jungkook whispered after quickly he pecking Jimin's forehead and walk to his chamber's door. "Who is it?" The raven-haired prince questioned with his deep voice and the deeper voice at the other side made his eyes enlarge as he glanced at Taehyung and Namjoon carrying Jimin to his bathroom and they closed the door without making any sound. "Jeon Jungkook, Open the door it's your father the King." Jungkook gulped and slowly placed his right hand on top of the doorknob and unlocked it with his left hand, he twisted the doorknob until the door opened and in his long red coat, black dress shirt, black slacks, black boots and a golden crown with gems and jewels on top of his black haired combed to the left side of his forehead, his father King Jeon Seung hyun waited outside his chambers. "Father!" Jungkook spoke surprised at the sudden visit but his senses were on full alert.

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