Chapter 28: Engagement

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The night was carrying on with he Royal Party without the prescence of four guests, Taehyung, Seokjin, Jimin and the guest of honor Jungkook. As Taehyung ran back with the cup of water to the private chambers of Jungkook and Jimin with a woman following along, he panted heavily while he catched his breath, he knew something was wrong with Jimin and the only person he knew could help was Queen Sa Guk. The Queen ran along with him as they finally reached the chambers and opened the doors as fast as lightning. When the doors opened, they witnessed Seokjin's bizarre face as he stared at Jimin panting. "Oh my heavens!" The Queen approached the two males and Taehyung closed the door. The sight was incredible. Jimin's head expressed exhaustement and what made them gasp was how the sorcerer's stomach grew rapidly, he could easily be compared to an eight months pregnant lady. "How is this possible?" Taehyung whispered and Seokjin shook his head.

"His eyes suddenly became silver and the next thing I saw was his swollen belly. This is..." Seokjin breathed out and Jimin raised his head. "Jung...kook... Where is he?" Jimin's voice reached a mumble. He reached out for his lover but the prince's whereabouts were unknown to everyone; everyone but one. The Queen bit her lip and sighed. "He's in his private study with Jung Hoseok and King Min Yoongi. Taehyung, Will you get them here for me?" The Queen ordered the platinum-blonde haired man-servant and he dashed out to bring Jungkook to Jimin.

In Prince Jungkook's private study, King Min was discussing a very serious problem with Prince Jungkook while Hoseok tiredly doozed off with his head on top of his arms as he leaned his body on Jungkook's desk; he's worn out from the exhausting travel he's made in just one day and a half. "And what do you plan to do after he does that?" The King asked with a raised eyebrow as he caressed his lover's messy brown orbs. The raven-haired prince sighed and swayed his locks back -a habit he picked up from Jimin-. "I want to make Jimi-" The door burst open revealing a sweaty faced Taehyung with a worry-fearing expression. "What the hell Taehyung?!" King Min shouted as Hoseok woke up from his nap.

"Something happened to Jimin! He's in your chambers." Without looking back, the raven-haired prince began to run towards his chambers with all his might as he feared something bad happened to his lover. As he got closer, he could sense Jimin's emotions and he could feel a weak vibe emitted from the sorcerer. "JIMIN!" The prince shouted as he entered his shared chambers with his lover as he catched his breath from the long sprint. "What happene- H-How is this possible?" Stuttered the prince as he saw the sweaty and weakened expression of the silver haired sorcerer and he gasped with glistened eyes when his eyes landed on the swollen stomach. "Magic" Whispered Jimin as he reached his hand for Jungkook to hold him. "I'm here Jagiya." The raven-haired prince pecked his lover's lips while his hands trembled as they hovered above the swollen stomach where it seemed that the fetus grew into a very more developed baby; he was scared to place his hands on top of it. The sorcerer raised his hands and gently placed them on top of Jungkook's so he could make the prince's hands come into contact with the swollen stomach. As Jungkook's eyes glistened, he felt a pressure below his hands, as if something poked him. "Oh... J-Jimin?"

The sorcerer's eyes now shed tears as his lips let out a weak smile. "Our baby kicked." Jimin's voice almost reached a whisper. Seokjin's face filled with happiness, Queen Sa Guk felt relieved and she was bewildered by how magic sped up the pregnancy, Taehyung arrived followed by the other two worried friends who traveled to Busan for the Royal Party, King Min and Hoseok. "How much longer until he gives birth?" Jungkook asked his mother. All guests and his birthday long forgotten, now all he could think about was Jimin and their baby. "Two weeks minimum and one month maximum." Sa Guk answered as she analyzed the swollen belly where the lovers' hands rested on top. "This is incredible." King Min said in a low voice as he approached the sorcerer.

"Jimin!" Hoseok ran in direction of the sorcerer and stopped in front of him making Jimin smile as he was reunited with his best friend. "Hoseok!" Seokjin was quick to hug the friendly ex-bandit before King Min could glare at him. "I've only read about this once but witnessing it is another thing. Happy Birthday Prince Jungkook." King Min cracked a gummy smile making his eyes form half moons and Jimin saw how he was genuinely happy. 'I love you Jungkook.' Jimin thought as he saw his lover's eyes locked on his swollen stomach. The prince raised his gaze and formed a smile making a small dimple form in his left cheek while his eyes wrinkled as he responded "I love you too Jimin."

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