Bonus: Kim Taehyung

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         Have you ever wondered when you'll meet your other half, someone who you'll love unconditionally? Ever gotten that feeling when you love someone so deep that once you stare at their eyes you'll lose your soul into them and you'll see a wh...

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Have you ever wondered when you'll meet your other half, someone who you'll love unconditionally? Ever gotten that feeling when you love someone so deep that once you stare at their eyes you'll lose your soul into them and you'll see a whole new world in them? Love is a funny word with a hundred definitions but only those who have it can describe it. Well, he wanted someone like that; someone whom he can say 'I love you' to and they'd respond with 'I love you too'. His first love is the husband of his best friend, but the "love" he felt for him, was not as deep as he thought because it faded throughout time when he saw how his first love was happy with his best friend and he wished the best for both; and so he sought someone to love as deep as they love each other.

Kim Taehyung. The "man-servant", best friend of Prince Kim Namjoon and Sir Kim Seokjin, King Jeon Jungkook and King Jeon Jimin, King Min Yoongi and King Min Hoseok, someone trust worthy and now one of the highest Lords of the Busan Kingdom. A title he earned by hard work and he loved every second of it; but he doubted when he'd find his future someone.

"Did you hear what I asked for Tae?" Jimin had just finished giving his two weeks old newborn baby Young Jae a bath with warm water and had gently wrapped him in a white towel. Taehyung stared blankly at the doe eyes of the baby before snapping his thoughts about love in two and shifting his gaze to meet the sorcerer's worried eyes. "Tae, Are you feeling alright? You were staring into space." The sorcerer began to walk with his newborn son on his arms towards the bed at the other side of his chambers. "Yeah, I was just thinking... What did you ask for again?" The platinum-blonde haired male laughed awkwardly and followed his best friend.

"Can you hold Young Jae-ah while I search for his change of clothes?" Jimin gently placed his son in the arms of his best friend after receiving a nod. Taehyung's smile never fading as he exchanged gazes with Young Jae, making the little baby giggle and try to grab the male's nose. "You like my nose? Sadly, you have your appa Jimin's nose, though its better than your appa Jungkook's big one." The male responded with a smile, and wondered when he'd be able to be like this with a baby of his own. "Don't say that to him! My nose is perfectly cute and Jungkook's is- um, beautiful and it suits him." Jimin had come back with a small white onesie custom-made from silk for the little Young Jae's body. "Give me my baby back~" Jimin cooed, his plump rosy lips puckered as he approached them.

The sorcerer retreated to the bed with his son while Tae stood there watching. A small part of him missing the warmth of his nephew in his arms but another was at peace. At peace because he felt loved, not only by his friends but by a small baby that he would protect as his own till his last breath. As Jimin gently placed Young Jae on the silk covers of his bed, he repeated his question at the platinum-blonde haired male standing a few feet away; the same question he had asked for earlier when the male was staring into space.

"Tae, Can you go to the villager's market outside the Palace, the one besides The Pink Flower and buy me a few fresh-hand picked strawberries? I don't want the ones from the kitchen, I would go with you but I can't leave Young Jae alone now, I have to feed him his milk." Jimin slowly focused his eyes on Taehyung's and he pouted his lips while opening his eyes in a pleading way. The smirk on the sorcerer's lips could almost be seen but Taehyung saw right through it, yet he nodded with closed eyes. "Only strawberries?" Taehyung began to make his way to the door and he received a happy nod from the other male. "Take all the time you need!" Jimin shouted as soon as Taehyung closed the door.

A Sorcerer's Kiss | Jikook ✓ [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now