Chapter 18: Taehyung's Confession

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The Ilsan prince unleashed his sword as fast as the blinking of an eye and he pointed the weapon against the younger's neck. Without any sense of hesitation Namjoon pressed the weapon against the neck of the-once-best friend of Park Jimin. "Speak or death shall soon follow you Kim Taehyung" Such deepness in Namjoon's voice made no effect on the male placing his hand on the dusty old book displayed on the shelf. Taehyung did not say a word, instead, he pulled the old book towards himself and the entrance to the secret passageway began to show. "Seokjin must have left to the Daegu Kingdom" Taehyung's neck began to ooze out a few drops of dark red blood that began to slide down his clothes; but he still made no flinching movement against the prince's sword or glare; in fact, he's been through much worse compared to this. "Step inside, I shall explain what Seokjin hyung and I have been doing for the past weeks." Taehyung pointed at the stairs and the prince retracted his sword.

"You go first" Namjoon followed Taehyung as he pointed the sword at the younger's back; the two males' backs consumed by the darkness of the passageway. The prince's eyes enlarge as he's faced with countless of opened books, torches being flamed up by their selves. "W-What is this place?" The prince of Ilsan let out a gasp and dropped his sword as soon as his eyes spotted a canvas on a wall, the painting of King Jeon, Park Ji Yong and Park Dong Hae.

"This was Park Dong Hae's Secret Magic Study. This is where Seokjin and I had restless nights trying to find the real reason behind King Jeon executing all sorcerers. In this secret passageway, I found out a very important reason as to why my best friend charmed a necklace to protect me from harm. I lied to everyone; I came to serve Jungkook out of my own free will. Jimin had charmed this necklace for my protection but..." Taehyung stopped and saw the opened book on the table; the same book he had discovered the truth of his necklace. "But I found this book, this book says that the charmer of the necklace is able to feel emotions the user has after reciting a spell in front of the water element... There was this one time where Jimin came back a few weeks ago. He said he had to go to the lake near the castle, and that day..."

"That day Jungkook gave his speech and then he..." Namjoon stopped his sentence when he saw the male in front of him was on the verge of breaking.

"That day, Jimin found out I had feelings for Jungkook, yet, he didn't kiss him. I thought that as his best friend, maybe he could have... but he didn't... instead, he lied about it. I let hate consume me and I directed you and King Jeon towards Jungkook... I'm deeply sorry because I lied." Taehyung confessed and dropped to his knees as the guilt was consuming him. He felt like horses were tightly stepping on his body; he felt so dirty and broken. "I broke my promise to him. I made Jungkook hate me... I made Seokjin find the last diary late because when I got mad at Jimin I threw the diaries at the wall with anger even if I found out first the reason why King Jeon send to kill every sorcerer... Because of me, Seokjin is probably struggling getting to the Daegu Kingdom. "

"Seokjin?! That's where he is? Explain everything, who is the third man on the painting!" Namjoon's furry increased at the name of the man he loved. The memories of the blushing and smiling man filled his thoughts; worry might never be the exact word to describe the emotion he's feeling at the moment. Taehyung gulped and began explaining everything; down to the last detail of how Dong Hae accidently poisoned King Jeon's late lover Taeyeon and the final confession of Kim Taehyung that shattered his heart in millions of pieces.

"Jimin never charmed Jungkook... I could see it in their eyes... their love is pure." Taehyung's face reddened as he cleaned his tears with the sleeves of his shirt but the endless tears continued streaming down his eyes.

"Taehyung... Are you saying that Jungkook is actually in love with Jimin and not charmed?" Namjoon's breathing intensified; he could feel his own heart being stepped on as he imagined what Jungkook must be feeling when Jimin was hurt and injured by everyone; including himself when he inflicted pain and injuries on the sorcerer's weak body ever since they caught him. Taehyung nodded as he buried his face in his sleeves and the prince of Ilsan's knees gave up on him. "What have I done? Taehyung, we can't stop the execution, it's too late! We have to apologize to Jungkook. Let's talk to him!" Namjoon began dragging the crying male outside of the secret passageway. The prince was headed towards Jungkook's chambers to have a talk with him; he was feeling the worst guilt he could feel against Jungkook, and a small part of him hoped Taehyung would be forgiven.

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