Chapter 16: Contradiction

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A group of knights in their horses along with a raven-haired prince galloped through the gates of the Castle in the Busan Kingdom. The prince that fell in love with the sorcerer did not dare to look at the body of the man he loved. The sorcerer's head was covered; his body leaned horizontally on Prince Namjoon's horse. Taehyung didn't flinch his eyes from Jungkook's back; he worried for the prince.

Cheers erupted from every corner in the palace; the prince had returned home safely. The horses came to a stop and the knights got off their horses followed by both princes. Jungkook watched as Namjoon carried Jimin like a sack of potatoes and his heart clenched. "How does it feel to be back home?" Taehyung broke the trance the younger was in but Jungkook ignored his question.

"Don't talk to me so casually Taehyung. Know your place" Jungkook answered coldly as he began walking in direction of Namjoon and stopped the other prince. "Let me deliver him to my father" Jungkook insisted with determination.

It took a few seconds for the Ilsan Prince to let Jungkook carry Jimin; and so, the raven-haired prince wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and below his knees, just like how he carried him to bed the past days. "Jungkook...?" Jimin whispered very low; his body growing weak every second; he hadn't eaten anything or drank anything.

"Shut up." Jungkook continued carrying Jimin through the hallways of the Castle in direction of the Royal Throne Room where his father was waiting for them. The two lovers felt each other's pain, Jungkook was still mad at Jimin and Jimin's body was getting weaker by the second. The prince stopped in front of the big doors of the Throne Room; he knew that once those doors opened, everything would change.

"I love you. Don' afraid..." Jimin's mind became unstable; his eyes were closed and even if he opened, he would only see black. The sorcerer had whispered, hoping the man he loved still cared for him; leaning his covered head against the prince's chest. Jungkook did not say a word; instead he breathed in deeply and sighed. The doors opened revealing the King seated on his throne along with his mother and the room filled with nobles and knights. With curiosity, his eyes travelled across the room in search for the Librarian but he didn't find him; instead, he walked forward with the sorcerer in his arms.

The prince walked with the sorcerer on his arms and placed him on the floor just below the steps of the thrones. Jungkook bowed to his father and greeted him. "Father" The prince kept his head bowed until the voice of the King stopped him. "Jungkook! Thank goodness you're okay!" The King sighed contentedly and motioned for his son to go to him. The prince glanced at Jimin briefly before walking up the steps and return the embrace his father hoped to have. "Now sit beside me" King Jeon's voice turned very serious and the young prince obeyed. Once the prince had sat down in his throne, the king waved his hand for Prince Namjoon. The Ilsan prince walked behind the sorcerer and waited for the king to begin his speech.

"Gentlemen, we are gathered here to celebrate my son's safe return from the hands of the last sorcerer alive." King Jeon began while looking at the different faces around the room.

Jimin's eyes were on the verge of closing and his body will soon give in to slumber. His head was palpitating with every second, his insides were screaming for any type of food, he felt nauseous but knew that his body wouldn't expulse anything since he hadn't eaten or drank anything. The sorcerer heard the distant speech of Jeon, his mind was somewhere else, besides being weak, Jimin was thinking back to everything he did with Jungkook.

"Show me the face of the last sorcerer alive" The King stated and Prince Namjoon obeyed; he took off the sack that was covering the sorcerer's face. The silver bangs on Jimin's face were sweaty, his forehead looked so pale, his eyes were red, his nose was pink and his lips were so thin and they looked parched. Jimin's eyes were almost closed but he didn't close them, not yet. Jungkook's heart clenched when he looked at how weak Jimin was, he wanted to comfort him but why couldn't he say anything? He was contradicting himself and he hated it. The sorcerer slowly raised his head and kept his gaze on the raven-haired prince; he didn't blink.

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