Chapter 23: A Miracle of the Universe

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Whispers are nothing but a way for humans to not let others hear their voice. The lowering of someone's voice to gossip is the only way for peasants to communicate with each other as they're faced with confusion yet their voices never surpassed a whisper. Two lovers were holding each other in the middle of a platform as if no one surrounded them, one prince finally acted and stood protectively in front of them, a king was filled with rage as he stared at the two lovers behind the prince who stood protectively in front of them and a queen just discovered the most beautiful and amazing miracle that only one of the two lovers was carrying inside him; yet it belonged to both. A simple mumble of words from the Queen made the King glare at the men who've betrayed him before calming himself down; he knew how his hatred was getting the best of him and he was looking like a tyrant in front of his subjects. "This execution is over. Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, meet me in the throne room. Knights, close the gates!" The King furiously walked away from them until he was no longer in sight and the Queen made her way to her son. The people of Busan were forced to vacate the Castle grounds by the knights while Prince Namjoon still stood in front of the two lovers. "Jungkook" The Queen slowly raised her right hand and Namjoon almost pointed his sword at her but he stopped when he looked into the Queen's eyes; a mother's love was reflected on her dark brown chocolate eyes. Namjoon bowed his head and slowly stepped aside and the Queen nodded her head in a slow manner thanking him.

Jungkook embraced the sorcerer as if there was no tomorrow and he calmed his lover down. "Shh. It's okay Jimin. Nothing bad will happen." Soothing words whispered in Jimin's ears as the sorcerer gripped the raven-haired prince's dress-shirt with his small hands forming small fists; he was really emotional and not being able to use magic to save Jungkook and him was attacking him. "I...I couldn't..." Jimin mumbled with closed eyes as drops of transparent water slid down his cheeks. "I'm here, it doesn't matter Jimin." Jungkook softly pecked the silver hair of his lover while his right hand slowly massaged his back. Only now, Jungkook noticed the figure of his mother standing beside them. "Mother..." The raven-haired prince's low tone in voice made the Queen's heart clutch in pain; she felt how her son was cautious of her and it pained her to see how her son was glaring at her as if she was the guilty one when in fact it was partially true. The Queen softly knelt right beside her son and his lover and she raised her hands towards the sorcerer. "Don't touch him." The raven-haired prince glared and tried moving away as he hugged his lover against his chest but the Queen ignored her son's hateful words and glare. With the loving hands of a mother, the Queen did what she should have done the moment Jimin was brought before them, Sa Guk gently caressed the sorcerer's silver locks and her eyes slowly built up tears. "You look like your mother, she would be proud of you Jimin and so would be your father." The Queen felt a tear escape her eyes and she noticed her son's gaze on her softened. "I'm sorry. I should have stopped this." She apologized to her son and to the sorcerer. Jimin sniffed and slowly raised his head from Jungkook's chest. "Y-You knew my mother?" He asked between tears as his pink nose leaked drops of water and the Queen raised her dress to wipe the sorcerer's teary face as she nodded.

"Min Sae was my best friend. She was one of the kindest sorceresses I've known; she was a Blue Head. The night of... the tragedy, I led her and your father to a secret passageway and let them escape so she could give birth to you. I'm really sorry Jimin." The Queen felt the guilt consume her and she looked down to control her tears as she's done the past twenty two years but when she felt a warm body embrace her, the body of someone other than her son, the tears built up from all those years spilt down her cheeks just like a full glass of water being continuously filled with water over its top until it can't contain all the water. "I forgive you." Jimin whispers as he embraces the figure of someone he feels a connection to and his natural instinct feels a connection to the Queen; he feels the love she emits as a mother even if he's not able to use magic. Jungkook stares at his mother's crying figure as his lover embraces her and the raven-haired prince knew that his mother just became his lover's mother. The prince of Ilsan watched over the three and waited patiently for them to finish their lovely moment before joining the King in the throne room. Sudden feelings of anxiety crawled over Namjoon's nerves and the prince gulped but never the less he still maintained an eye on his surroundings and hoped for the best; his plan was slowly changing, he hoped at least King Min, Hoseok, Taehyung or Seokjin could somehow form a distraction.

The Queen slowly calmed down and she slowly leaned back to clean Jimin's tears with her sleeves before she cleaned her tears. Sa Guk was sure of the circumstance Jimin was facing and she had to tell them; if not now, there won't be another time before the King takes action. "Jungkook... Jimin..." She softly called their names to have their full attention. "I know what's wrong with Jimin." The Queen confessed to the raven-haired prince and the said prince's face was suddenly filled with many emotions but the most present was worry. "What's wrong with me?" Jimin reached out to hold Jungkook's hand and the Queen slowly glanced down at his stomach for a brief second before she kept her gaze on both males. "Before I say, I need you both to answer this honestly..." She started and they both nodded. A few waves of wind filled the plaza and the sorcerer's silver bangs swayed as well as his lovers but they kept their stare onto the Queen's dark brown chocolate eyes while they waited for her question.

"Have you both sealed your bond? I mean... have you made love yet, become one?" She didn't blink as sudden wind began surrounding them, strange, but no one seemed to notice it until the sorcerer blinked his eyes and the wind stopped. Rosy colors painted both lovers' cheeks as they nodded and the Queen gasped in excitement but she refrained from those emotions at the moment so she could explain. "Jimin, when a sorceress is carrying child, she's not able to use magic until after birth." The sorcerer's brows furrow and the raven-haired prince's lips part; an overwhelming feeling fills them. The Ilsan prince's lips curve into a chuckle as he adds all the pieces of the puzzle together. "What does t... No... Impossible." Jimin felt Jungkook's grip on their intertwined hands tighten as he guided their intertwined fingers lower to the sorcerer's covered stomach.

"Have you been vomiting a lot lately? Feeling nauseous? Light-headed? Weak? Craving certain foods?" All the sorcerer did was hear his heart beat as loud as the fast beating of a drum while he nodded at the Queen's questions. "He's vomited more than five times in these two days." Jungkook's voice lowered as he was processing the information from the Queen. "D-Does that mean...?" Jimin felt a wave of unexplained delight and ecstasy course through his body as well as the raven-haired prince; a miracle was happening to them.

"You're carrying the universe's child inside you. Jimin you're no longer the last sorcerer, the universe made the impossible to prevent the extinction of magic. Jimin, you're with child." The last sentence made the tears drop from both lovers as they placed their intertwined fingers just on top of where their unborn child was beginning to form and hope for sorcerers' lineage to continue was just lighted by the flame of Jungkook's and Jimin's love and the small forming infant inside the sorcerer's body.


Loud stomps of footsteps echoed on the bleak halls of the Busan Castle as the King angrily marched down the halls to reach the throne room where he'll decide for the outcome of this new surging situation just revealed by the mumbles of the Queen and what his eyes did not deceive him of. 'Jimin is not able to use magic right now. He didn't have the magic repressing chains; he was not able to stop the blade. Curse his lineage! What has Jungkook done? Jimin is carrying the future heir. This is a malediction cursed upon me!' King Seung Hyun thought as he scoffed at his thoughts. "Parks always find a way to drive me into insanity." He growled as he furiously pushed the doors to the throne room open only to halt his steps.

"Who do you think you are to dare sit in My Throne, in MY Castle without My authorization THE KING and not even sit properly?!" The King growled in pure hatred at the young man sitting in the King's throne.

The young man sat in the throne room horizontally as he lifted his legs and crossed them over the right armrest of the throne. The young man's black orbs rested on top of his pale forehead as his dark eyes focused on the paper in his fingers. The young man sensed the deathly glare the King was sending in his direction but instead of feeling intimidated, the young man turned his head to face the King and he smirked. "I am King Min Yoongi and I do as I please now shut the damn hell up and pay close attention to me you insolent, dirty, idiot!!" The young king spat and before the older King could utter any words to scream and shout at Yoongi, the young man stared at the letter in his hands before he started to read.

"It doesn't matter if I write this as an entry. No one will ever read this, but hopefully if there's someone reading this... Taeyeon... she... I should have waited for the infant's tear. My love... she died...."

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