Chapter 26: "Because I love you"

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(A/N: Mature Content Warning! Sorry for the late update, I've been really busy these past weeks, I had to travel to different States for University Meetings and then I had to catch up on school when I returned home but here's a really long chapter ahead.)

Relief, pure relief filled the body of prince Jungkook as he saw Jimin's opened eyes staring back at him. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes shed his tears while he locked his lips on Jimin's plump ones. "I-I thought... Don't do that to me!" Stuttered the raven-haired prince as his breath fanned over Jimin's top rosy lip. The sudden feeling of anxiety was expulsed from his body when he saw the opened eyes and a face of confusion on his lover's face. "S-Sorry" Managed to say Jimin with a shy smile soon replaced by a gasp. "O-Our baby." Jimin's hands quickly but gently caressed his barely visible bump and Jungkook calmed him down. "The baby is alright. I need to talk to you about what just happened... Jimin, Let's go to our room." The raven-haired prince walked towards their scattered clothing with the sorcerer in his arms as Jimin's arms were hooked around the prince's neck. "Sorry." Jimin's head leaned on Jungkook's bare chest. "Don't be sorry Jimin. Let's talk in our chambers after we change. Look at me." The prince glanced down to have Jimin glance up for them to meet eyes. "Jagiya I love you." The corner of Jimin's eyes glistened, and Jungkook's eyes wrinkled in a smile. "I love you too Jagiya." Responded the sorcerer before Jungkook dressed up Jimin in his previous clothing and his shirt -completely ignoring how his pants were drenched-.

Upon arriving to their chambers without the unnecessary attraction of a servant, a knight, one of their friends or let alone the Queen or King, Jungkook gently placed Jimin on their bed so he could change his drenched pants to a pair of clean ones. When he returned, he saw Jimin still sat on their bed but with the silk covers wrapped around his body. "Are you cold?" Jungkook walked over their bed as he saw Jimin slightly nod his head twice without uttering a word and his cheeks puffed out. "Come here little baby." The raven-haired prince engulfed the sorcerer in an embrace to warm him up. The heat radiated from the prince's body was enough to warm the sorcerer's cold body. Jimin's rosy lips painted a smile in the embrace as he closed his eyes and he breathed in the scent of his lover; one of his favorite places to lean on his lover was Jungkook's neck. "I forgive you. No matter what you did, what he told you to do or what happened, I love you and that will never change. Don't blame yourself." Jimin's eyes closed tightly as he nodded so he could prevent any tears from escaping his closed eyes and his pink nose slightly scrunched from the gest. "Jimin... after you passed out... I saw your mother." The once shut-tight eyes of the sorcerer opened and he retreated his head from Jungkook's neck and stared into the dark chocolate eyes of his lover. "What?" Jimin asked with confusion and a hint of surprise. "I saw her. She told me she had a message from... the Ancient Spirits?" Jungkook's eyebrow furrowed as the thought if he said the correct name. "And she told me how I developed a unique ability... If I remember correctly...Cognitive Empathy and Telepathy?" The raven-haired prince bit his bottom lip as he tried to remember the explanation from Min-Sae's spirit but he was too worried about Jimin to process what was being told to him. "S-So you really saw my mother? H-How was she?" Jimin's eyes clouded with tears and he unwrapped the silk sheet from his body so he could wrap his arms around Jungkook's body instead of leaning on his warmth.

"She was beautiful, just like you. Mother was saying the truth back then, you do look just like her." Jungkook let himself being embraced by his lover. Just being in each other's arms was one of their favorite moments of being together. They felt complete and at peace within their souls that were now intertwined. "Nae agi~ Na neun dangsin-i modeun~ nae maeumeul gajin salang~ My baby~ I love you with all my heart~" Jungkook hummed as he caressed Jimin's now dry silver locks.

'I don't deserve him. Even if I had told him before, I still did it yet here he is holding me close like this. I really don't deserve him. Jungkook, how can you still be with me after everything that I've put you through?' A silent tear slid down Jimin's closed eyes and his thoughts questioned this over and over again.

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