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Warning~ Some heat up ahead~

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Warning~ Some heat up ahead~

Rosy thin lips met the flushed cheek of Jeon Jimin as his mind and body were focused on the book in front of him. His chocolate eyes were moving in a straight horizontal line from left to right as he was too concentrated in the information the book revealed. His husband Jeon Jungkook was trying to win his attention by placing mellow kisses on his flushed cheeks, his chin, his forehead, his silky silver locks, his sharp jaw line and his neck but never his rosy plump lips. Both royals were in their chambers on their bed getting ready to sleep. Princess Dae Sook was sleeping in Seokjin's and Prince Namjoon's chambers since the librarian wanted to tell bedtime stories to his niece. And now that Jungkook had his husband all to himself, the sorcerer was too focused on the book he read to even flinch or shift his gaze towards his husband's mellow kisses against his body.

Jimin continued reading the same sentence for seven times until he felt a slight pain on the left side of his neck, close to his collarbone, making his eyes widen as his plump lips parted almost releasing a moan but instead he panted. "What are you doing Jungkook?" The sorcerer's eyes closed and the book he held dropped on his lap, his neck stretched a little as he leaned his head to his husband; finally the giving attention to his husband. "My King~ Pay attention to me~" Jungkook's low voice held such a commanding force that sent a shiver down the sorcerer's spine and his heart skipped a beat. "Let me finish reading this Jungkook-ah. It's ab-" Not being able to finish his request, Jimin felt the book on his lap fall to the side as his husband climbed on top of him. Jungkook's dark chocolate pupils dilated as he intertwined his fingers between Jimin's and pinned their intertwined hands over the pillow behind the sorcerer

Lots of emotions were surging through the sorcerer as he felt his husband's lips meet against his, the rush of adrenaline sent a certain heat form in his lower abdomen. "Mmm~" Jimin's soft hums made his husband smirk proudly and he began to rub his hips at a small pace to tease the sorcerer, softly grinding. "Jimin!" Jungkook hissed when he felt his husband harshly bite his lower lip, a surprised look covering his eyes when he leaned back. "I'm trying to read! It's about Dae Sook's ability! I think she might be able to give life not only to nature but humans as well." Jimin gave his husband a guilty glance because of his previous action and Jungkook loosened his hands on Jimin's. He cupped Jimin's cheeks and the sorcerer cupped his husband's hands that were on his cheeks. "Please, pay attention to me Jimin." His voice lowered, a dominant tone hidden between those sweet words that sent another wave of heat towards the sorcerer's lower abdomen. Jimin's lips puckered as he nodded, his eyes looked down in guilt from harshly bite he gave his husband. "I'm sorry, let me see how bad it is?" Jimin's hands began to gently caress his husband's jawline followed by his cheeks and then he gently traced his right thumb over those thin rosy wet lips belonging to Jungkook.

The younger held back a smirk from forming in his lips as he leaned forward and before his lips met with his husband's, he whispered seductively, "Why don't you feel them instead?" and when his breath fanned over Jimin's plump lips he parted his and playfully bit Jimin's lower lip between his white bunny-like teeth as his tongue began to rub itself against the sorcerer's plump red bottom lip. "Mmm Ah~" Soft whimpers began to vibrate against Jungkook's lips as the younger traced his wet tongue around Jimin's lower gum.

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