Chapter 20: Before Dawn

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No palace servant attempted movement inside the Castle, everything was silent; not even the footsteps of a knight nor the clacking sound of armor filled the bleak and dark hallways of the Busan Palace. The King and Queen slept peacefully in their chambers both of them looking forward to the next morning where justice to them will be served. The night was silent, no grasshoppers attempted to move or sing by rubbing their hind leg against their hard forewing, the sky suddenly seemed black with no visible star or moon in the sky; it was a sign revealing the darkness was consuming every corner of the galaxy; all the horses in their stables were tranquil; nature felt it, it was slowly mourning a future event, nature felt what would happen the next break of dawn. The only movements throughout the whole castle were of three men that slowly made their way to a specific room without the attraction of any knights or maids. The atmosphere was filled with somber but the only room that emitted countless emotions was Prince Jungkook's chambers. On the inside of the chambers belonging to the raven-haired prince, Jungkook walked back and forth in a straight line all the way from his bed to the hidden door behind the canvas on his wall with his arms crossed against his chest every five walked lines and when he finished the fifth line, he scratched his raven hair with his left hand frustrated while his right hand placed itself on his waist. His face portrayed anxiety, distress, but most of all he couldn't keep a straight poker face through it all; it was like his whole body was possessed by a nerve wracking demon that did not let your body do anything except think about one thing; and the one thing the prince was thinking about was of how tomorrow his Jimin was going to be executed and they hadn't thought of a plan to save him yet.

"Jungkook, What are we going to do?" To break the so thick silence, Taehyung spoke in a soft voice trying not to say anything that will drive the prince into a killing spree and that someone that he'll kill will be the cause of why Jimin is being executed; the King, his own father. The raven-haired prince groaned and walked to the table. Jungkook grabbed the metal cup on the table and swung his right hand against the wall with force. Clashing sounds echoed on the thick walls of the prince's chambers because the metal cup collided against the wall followed by another series of clashing as it clashed against the floor for several times until the thick silence consumed the room once again. "Damn it!" The raven-haired prince shouted as the nerves in his body never stopped reminding him about the several hours that were left until the morning sun made an appearance. "I don't know Taehyung... I don't know..." Soft mumbles left the raven-haired prince's lips as he fisted his hands and crouched down on the floor to hug his knees. "I don't want him to die but why does he want to continue with the execution! H-He's going to..." Jungkook closed his eyes and buried his head on his knees. He felt powerless against this, no matter how much he wanted to save Jimin, he knew that if he saved Jimin beforehand, the sorcerer would hate him for it; and that's not what Jungkook wanted Jimin to feel for him.

The platinum blonde haired male slowly walks forward and pats the raven-haired prince's back for a few times as Jungkook gave in to his anxieties and cried in frustration and desperation. "We could stop the execution, Jimin won't run away and we would stop the execution from happening." The Ilsan prince suggested as he leaned against the raven-haired prince's bed. "How? My father won't allow it no matter how much we try." Jungkook slowly raised his head from his knees and brushed his head against his sleeves to clean the tears flowing down his red cheeks. "We could... What if we...Taehyung do you have Jimin's mask? The one he used to hide his identity." With an idea coursing through his brain, Namjoon asked the platinum blonde-haired male who slowly shook his head. "Jimin always had it with him, he probably left it in the house after we...caught them." Taehyung sighed low and faced both princes with an apologetic gaze; he truly felt regretful. "What made you ask that?" Jungkook raised himself and slowly walked in direction of the Ilsan prince. "I was thinking that maybe we coul-" The loud echoes of someone banging on the door to the prince's chambers and the twisting of the doorknob continuously, even if the door was locked, interrupted Namjoon's sentence and all males inside the chambers flinched and Jungkook quickly covered Namjoon's mouth with his right hand. "Shh" Jungkook lifted his left hand and pointed his index finger upwards as he placed it on top of his pink lips.

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