Chapter 21: Dusk

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The dim lit passageways of the Castle were filled with nothing but two figures running away. One of them was a woman and the other was her husband, he carried her in hopes of escaping their deaths. Both of them sweating but she was in worser shape, her swollen stomach was about to explode and the drops of sweat rolling down her furrowed brows and sweaty navy blue locks. "Ji Yong, the baby is coming." She bit her lip as her husband ran with her in his arms and they were getting closer to the end where they could flee without getting caught. "I know; I can feel it. Hold on..." He urged her, not wanting to make a spell that will alert the knights of their whereabouts. She breathed heavily as she nodded and he continued running already seeing the exit. He panted with exhaustion but still kept his pace. "Ji Yong, I'm weak I don't think I'll make it..." She whispered as she leaned her head against his chest while they finally reached the end of the passageway. "You can, Min Sae, we will make it. You'll make it and we'll live far away from Busan, we can consult with King Min; he's our ally. Please, don't give up on us." He begged as he walked over green grass and the sounds of screams resounded in the distance; the screams belonging to the man's kind.

"Okay but promise me that if I perish you'll look after our baby and y-you won't make him fear magic." She weakly said as she steadied her breath. "I promise." He answered and he kept running until he saw a lake. "Min Sae, give birth in the lake. As a water sorceress it shall help you and give you strength." The husband began walking slowly in the shallow parts of the lake. Both of them wetting their clothes but neither caring for it at the moment; they were hoping for two things only, one was for Min Sae to give birth safely and both her and the baby to be healthy, and the second was for them to escape with their lives intact. And just like that, Min Sae sitting in the shallows of the lake with her husband Ji Yong by her side as they held hands and he calmed her down, her eyes changed to a deep yet attractive blue just like sapphire gemstones, the water of the lake looked vivid on the night, and after whimpers and pants that the water helped calm, the soft cries of a baby echoed on the lake. Ji Yong felt the tears that slid down his cheeks as he took off his jacket and gently wrapped the pink baby that the water seemed to carry. "Min Sae, our boy. He's strong, I can feel it." The sorcerer glanced back at his wife and saw her smiling weakly. "What should his name be?" The husband slowly pecked her forehead as the baby cried softly.

"Jimin, Park Jimin" Her eyes no longer held the beautiful deep sapphire blue but instead a pair of dark chocolate brown eyes. "Jimin-ah, You are destined for great things, I love you. Ji Yong, take care of him." She weakly raised his hand to caress her newborn's head and right before her husband could say anything, the tide rose. "Min Sae. Min Sae!" The melancholy state of devastation filled the sorcerer as he watched his wife's life disappear in an instance just right before him and their newborn in his arms. The sorcerer lifted himself and watched how his wife was slowly becoming a part of the water. "I love you too Min Sae." He cried as he gently pecked his newborn son's red forehead.

"Jimin, it's up to you now."

In the darkest night, an orange ball of gas and chemicals slowly rose in the horizon. Dusk was appearing and it made the sky slowly become painted with a very bright orange, canary yellow and peach; any trace of the dark purple and blue night sky slowly faded. Still no animal dared make a sound, the horses were awake, the birds refrained them selves from chirping and no wind travelled through the leafs of the trees. The castle was filled with working servants now, the maids were cleaning the halls, the chefs were preparing breakfast for the royals, the knights were organizing the plaza right before the king where the execution will take place, the King's chambers was being lit by rays of sunlight and in the Prince's chambers empty with locked doors; Jungkook was already gone inside the passageway alone. The sorcerer was asleep. Jimin's head faced the wall and his chained hands unconsciously rested right on top of his stomach as his body faced the wall and his mind off in dreams. The knight Minho was watching how the sorcerer slept with a pitiful gaze, for the small amount of time he spent with the sorcerer, the knight thought Jimin was a nice person aside from his race.

As the raven-haired prince almost ran in direction of his lover, he abruptly stopped when he saw the knight suddenly flinch and turn his head to face the prince. Jungkook's eyes enlarge and he curses himself mentally for being so reckless. "Y-Your Highness!" The knight was filled with confusion and surprise yet he bowed. "Prince Jungkook, How did you get here?" The knight slowly raised his head and Jungkook had to come up with an idea that did not seem stupid but perhaps sleep was still lingering in his body because the one word that said the prince was "Huh?" as his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched. The raven-haired prince was sleep deprived, the only sleep his body had gotten was just an hour or maybe two and his mind just dreamt of horrible possible outcomes of the day; the results of nightmares. "J-Just let me see him. Please..." Jungkook glanced at the sleeping figure of his lover before he dashed towards the metal bars. The knight watched the prince with an intense gaze; Minho was analyzing the prince's interaction with the sleeping sorcerer; the knight didn't take his eyes off the prince for even the slightest second.

"Jimin" The prince lowly called the name of his lover but still the sorcerer made no response of waking up. Jungkook called his name once again with deep longing in his voice. "Jimin" The dream faded into darkness and the eyes of the sorcerer slowly opened when he heard the voice of his one love. "J-Jungkook?" Slowly, the sorcerer turned around and he saw his lover right outside the metal bars as his hands gripped the metal tightly and his gaze on Jimin spilt everything he thought. "Jungkook" The sorcerer's eyes watered and he attempted to get up the bed. The lovers longing to feel each other's warmth but the prince shook his head. Jungkook pointed to the left with his eyes and Jimin understood what he meant; the sorcerer saw Minho staring at the prince's movements from afar.

"You love each other. Yesterday you meant Prince Jungkook." Those sentences from the knight made the two lovers snap their heads to Minho but the knight made a sad smile. The knight walked towards Jungkook and Minho fetched the keys to the cell. The knight did what his heart told him to do even if he might get killed for it; all of it just because he saw the love in Jungkook's eyes as well as Jimin's. "Prince Namjoon will be here in a while so I suggest Your Highness, be with him before Namjoon arrives. Your secret shall be carried to my grave. I'll be having an eye out." Minho bowed his head and Jungkook nodded quickly and thanked the knight before he dashed inside the sorcerer's cell. "Jungkook!" Jimin wrapped his arms around his lover as soon as the raven-haired prince engulfed him in a hug. "Jimin" Jungkook buried his face in the crook of the sorcerer's neck and let small tears fall; today was the day.

"I love you" Jungkook kept mumbling against Jimin's skin which made Jimin nod as his cheeks stained with tears as well.

"I love you too Jungkook-ah" Jimin closed his eyes and breathed in Jungkook's scent for comfort. A lot of emotions battling inside their hearts and mind, but two of them were clear at the moment. "J-Jungkook-ah... I'm scared." The sorcerer finally confessed even if he's obeying his father's orders, what kind of human wouldn't fear their death? "Me too" Jungkook slowly backed away and leaned his forehead against Jimin's messy silver locks as he gently took hold of the sorcerer's chained hands. "Promise me you'll do everything I say." The raven-haired prince pleaded his lover and the sorcerer was somewhat confused by the request but never the less, he nodded.

"I promise." Jimin's red plump lips met with Jungkook's into a longing kiss where they hoped to seal the promise between each other; both of them too focused on each other to pay attention to the soft gaze the knight Minho had on both of them from outside the cell.

A Sorcerer's Kiss | Jikook ✓ [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now