● 11 ●

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| Namjoon ; Fluff (?) |

"Hey," You walked up to the man sitting on the bench, "I saw your text. What's up?"

You sat next to him as he sighs, his head immediately falling on your shoulder as soon as you sat. You chuckled, wrapping your arm around his shoulder, "Though day huh?"

"Yeah," Namjoon replies, "Need to take a little break and talk to my best friend."

You let out a dramatic gasp and clutched your chest, "Ouch. Best friend zoned for the . . . what? Fifth time?" You grinned at Namjoon who playfully slapped your arm.

"You're still up about that?" He shook his head, frowning.

"Whaaaat?" You shrugged, "I told you I'm serious on wanting to court you."

He rolled his eyes and stayed silent, you stayed silent as well. Your eyes examined him as he watches the soft waving of the trees as the wind passed by. There was no doubt that you were in love with this man. The man who was your inspiration for producing music, the man who was beside you all these years.

You met him when he became a trainee/producer in BigHit and ever since then, the both of you wouldn't leave each other's side. Well, you would if he'd go on tour and you can't come with him. Other than that, you were best friends and so close to each other that the others had asked multiple times if you were dating. Namjoon would deny and you would just stay silent.

And now, you had told him that you like him and wanted him to be yours but he was still hesitant, thinking it was just a joke of yours. But, he had taken it seriously now and so were you.

You sat in silence, feeling him tense up when you wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He was tense at first before he finally relaxed and leaned back, letting out a sigh.

"Why?" He suddenly asks and you look at him, "Why me? What did you saw in me?" He asks, his eyes filled with confusion as his eyebrows furrowed.

"What I saw in you?" You repeated, "Well, what I saw in you is everything I want my significant other to have. You're hardworking, talented, humble, kind, sweet, cute and the list goes on. I love your music, I love you." You said, looking at him straight in the eyes.

He slightly feels intimidated by how your gaze was filled with such passion and love as he stares back. You smiled, your eyes widening when he suddenly pulls you close to him by your shirt, your lips meeting his soft ones. It took you a few seconds to kiss back because of shock. Your lips was moving perfectly with his and you felt excited at the thought of being the first one to kiss his plump lips.

Namjoon feels your tongue slide over his lower lip and he immediately parted his lips, not giving a fight as he lets your tongue explore his mouth. He tugs at your coat, a signal that he was getting rid of oxygen and you pull away, your foreheads connecting as you tried to catch your breath.

"So, was that a yes?" You asked, grinning.

Namjoon rolls his eyes, "Obviously."


i caught a cold before i wrote this, imagine if i had a cold now AHAHA 

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