● 15 ●

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| Jungkook ; Fluff |

Suspicious. Everything about him was suspicious. He was hiding something. And he wasn't good at hiding it.

Jungkook's hyungs had their eyes on the boy more nowadays, it was because he was acting weird, weirder than usual. He would be late for dance practices that would earn him a scolding from their manager and dance instructor. He would apologize to everyone with a sheepish smile with a hand that rubbed behind his head. 

Today, he was late again. They were given an hour to take a break from practice and he scampered away as soon as they were free to eat or do anything they wanted, he only left an excuse of going to a convenience store to get banana milk. He returned without any of the said drink and was 15 minutes late.

Jimin eyed the younger up and down, a blank look on his face as he noticed how Jungkook's hair was messed up, his lips swollen, his white shirt that he just change into earlier was now sweaty, and Jimin's lips parted in surprise to see that his pant's zipper was open. 

"Jungkook-ah." Jimin called.

"Hyung?" Jungkook responded, eyes filled with confusion as to why his hyung called him when they were about to get back to practice.

"Your zipper's open."

"Oh, shoot. . ." Jungkook exclaimed before he zipped it up, embarrassment evident in his face as the others heard what the blond had said, "I used the restroom earlier. I was in a hurry."

A few of his members laughed, but some of them eyed him suspiciously. Before any of them could speak up, the door opened and in came a tall (brunette, blond, etc.). You had a charming smile on your lips, your eyes scanned the room to see the boys, you bowed and greeted, "Hey, boys. I'm just dropping by to return this . . . " You dug inside your coat's pocket and pulled out a handkerchief , "Kookie left this in the restroom."

- - -

You were a well known producer and worked for BigHit for a very long time now. Almost all the staff knew you and wanted to befriend you. You were known to be kind and sweet to those around you, you always made sure that everyone was fine. Other than that, you were incredibly handsome that others would look at you and think why the hell did you not decide to become an idol.

You walked down the hallways of the building, a smile on your lips as you saw a familiar blond. Jimin was, like you, walking down the hallways, he smiled back at you and stopped when you reached each other, "Hey, hyung. Going somewhere?"

"Yup, I have something to help Kookie with." You replied.

"Oh, okay. He's in his studio, I was there earlier. I gotta go, Hoseok hyung's waiting for me. Bye, hyung!" The short male waved with a grin before he ran down the hallway.

Strange was what you thought, usually the blond would strike a small conversation before leaving but he just bolted away. You shrugged it off and continued your journey to the studio called Golden Closet. You finally reached it and stood outside the door, you softly knocked and immediately got a "come in".

Jimin ran as fast as his short legs could take him, he saw a confused Taehyung watching him and he dragged his fellow 95 liner back to the dance practice room. To his luck and joy, the others were there as well. He waved both his arms in the air as he announced, "Jungkook's dating someone!"

The others followed Jimin as they all ran down the hallways, the staff and employees could only look at them in confusion as they passed by so fast like something was chasing them. When they reached the maknae's studio, they flung the door open, with Jimin shouting, "Aha! I got you!"

To their dismay, you were only helping Jungkook with a song that he was working on. They all grumbled and left, dragging Jimin who kept saying that something was definitely happening between you two. You could only blink in confusion at what had just happened, Jungkook was left to do the same. It was silent for a while after the six men left, your eyes traveled down to Jungkook who's eyes met yours. The both of you broke into fits of laughter. 

"That was close." Jungkook puffed out a sigh of relief before he stood up to wrap his arms around your neck.

Your arms did the same around his waist, pulling him closer to you, "They'll never catch us." You chuckled before placing a sweet peck on his lips.


this was crappy, i'm sorry. sorry for not updating for a very long time. i'm in a good mood today since i just got maybe two hours of sleep cause i drank two mugs of coffee, i stayed up late to write a story in my notebook but i only managed to write the prologue because every time i wrote the first chapter, i'd rip it and throw it away AHAHAHA

-next chapy's a smut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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