Chapter I - How did I get here?

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Lotor woke to find himself in a cell he angrily demanded why the Emperor of the Galra was in jail. A voice spoke out

"Because you caused a mass genocide of a race and you tried to destroy Voltron and its Paladins."

For some strange reason, Lotor could not remember doing anything before finding out that Haggar was his own mother Honerva. How did he lose a big chunk of his memory or was he trying to forget?

"What do you speaking of? I would never try to hurt Voltron or the Paladins even Princess Allura."

The voice behind the bars said, "You did with your so-called Voltron you manipulated the Princess to make for you. You were able to go into the rift at will with this Lotron as the Paladins would call it."

Lotor still did not understand how he created his own Voltron. "How long has it been since I attacked Voltron?" he asked the stranger behind the bars.

"It has been 3 deca-pheobs since your attack."

Lotor almost fainted. How could three deca-pheobs have passed as it seemed to him just quintants.

"Please you have to help me. I need to contact Princess Alura to tell her how sorry I am for everything I have done. I never meant to hurt her. All I wanted was to rule a new Altean Society with her and yes my methods were a bit dubious, but I did want peace for the universe. I never wanted to be like my father or mother. Please, you must help."

As the stranger got up to leave Lotor asked: "Who are you and how did I get here?"

The stranger responded, "My name is Wilder and the man who rescued you and how you got here well that is a story on its own." With that, the stranger disappeared into the darkened hallway.   

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