Chapter XXXVII - Had Enough

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Honerva retreated into one of the nearby caves with Lotor following close behind. As he got to the cave, heard more footsteps behind. He pulled out his sword when he turned out to be Allura and Wilder.

"What are the two of you doing here. I told you I will take care of Honerva," shouted Lotor.

"We can't let you have all the fun. Plus Allura and I have more reasons to take out Honerva ourselves. She took my life from me all those years around. Used my clone as a puppet," said Wilder.

Allura walked up to Lotor and hugged him so close: "She took our people away from us. She took you away from me. I will never let her do that again. Please, Lotor let us help you. You don't have to do this alone."

Lotor looked at both Wilder and Allura: "Since you are both here, we might as well do this together. I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope," replied Wilder.

Lotor grabbed Allura's hand "Let's go then."

They walked thru the cave together. It was almost maze-like. They could hear Honerva laughing all around them. They got half-way thru when Allura almost collapsed from exhaustion.

"Allura!" both Lotor and Wilder shouted.

"I am fine, we must continue. The fight earlier took a little out of me. I will be fine. We must find Honerva," said Allura as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Allura you have to tell him," said Wilder.

"What does she have to tell me Wilder?" asked Lotor.

"There is nothing tell. Wilder was just worried that all this stress would just get to me. That is all. Now Shiro please don't bring this up again and worry Lotor," stammered Allura.

Wilder walked closely to Allura and whispered: "When this is done you better come clean with him because if you won't I will."

"I will tell him if we get out of this alive," replied Allura.

Lotor could tell the two of them were whispering, but he was more focused on finding Honerva.

They finally came across a waterfall and there stood Honerva in all her glory. She looked older than before. Her crown was nowhere to be found. Behind her was a bomb like Allura had encountered on Naxela.

"Hmm, you think my robeast was my end game. I knew how you think Lotor. You are my son. Your intelligence came from me and not from that bastard Zarkon. I knew you wanted the fight to be on planet Colevic as it was the closest to Oriande. I already created this bomb on this planet a long time ago. Now no one will survive. Well, I will, but not you, Allura, the coalition, and your unborn children. At least I will end their misery with growing up with such an ungrateful and untrustworthy father." exclaimed Honerva.

Lotor looked at Allura: "What is she talking about? Unborn children? Wilder, did you know? Is that what you were trying to tell me earlier?"

Wilder and Allura looked at each other while fury started to build up in Lotor.

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