Chapter XXXVI - This Ends Now Part II

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Lotor opened a communication to both Voltron and Atlas: "I know things look dark at the moment, but the only way we can defeat her is we-we work together as a team."

"How do we do that, as she is taller than us? She can instantly take all of us out" said Hunk.

We all need to focus on one part of her robeast. She can't have eyes in the back. Honerva might be an incredible scientist and alchemist, but she was no skilled warrior. She left hat to Zarkon and myself," replied Lotor.

"Alright Lotor, I believe in you. Everyone focus. Its gonna take a lot out of us, but if Lotor says we can do it, we can. Shiro are you ready?" asked Allura.

"We are ready here on the Atlas," exclaimed Shiro.

"Everyone spread out," shouted Lotor as Honerva started to blast each one of them. Her shots managed to hit all three of them with accuracy.

Shiro came on the comm: "Lotor are shields are holding, but that was a strong hit from her."

"Same here," replied Keith

"Lotor our shields are at eighty percent and holding. We need to come out with a better plan soon before she attacks again," said Wilder

Lotor looked outside his cockpit and started to devise a plan: "Voltron attack from the air, while Atlas and the Sincline will attack from the ground."

Once again Honerva took shots at all three them, and though they were spread out, her shots hit them again managing to knock both Voltron and Sincline down. Honerva used her mechanical tentacles to try to drain them of their quintessences, but the Atlas managed to push them out of the way.

Their combined mechs fought against Honerva and her larger than life Robeast. With each blast their mech took, Honevra managed to siphon quintessence from them. They could feel their mechs start to come apart.

"We cannot let her take away our quintessence, its what is making us strong. Every we need to concentrate harder, we can't let her get to us," said Lance.

With each shot, Honevra was able to one-up them. They kept trying to outmaneuver her, but she was way to cunning.

"Lotor, I don't think we can defeat her, she is just too strong. I don't think our combined alchemic powers can defeat her," said Allura.

Just than Wilder came on the comm: "What if we are looking at wrong. I mean she has all this magic but as you said earlier she doesn't know any hand to hand combat? What if we just fight her with our fists. I know that sounds like a stupid idea, but our weapons don't seem to work."

Lotor looked out the cockpit and could tell that Wilder was right. His mother might be stronger in the sense of weapons and magic, but she was no warrior like the rest of them: "Wilder you are brilliant. That is how we are going to defeat her. No more weapons, just fists."

"Knees to face. What I like to watch a good fight," chimed in Hunk.

As Honevra tried to take more shots at their mechs, each mech took turns punching her robeast. Honerva stumbled backward as this got her off-guard.

"It worked, let's keep at it," exclaimed Pidge.

Each time Honerva trie to take a shot, each mech either punched or kicked her robeast like a prizefighter. Each time she stumbled backward. It wasn't until, the fourth kick/punch combination, that she fell backward. Each mech was about the stomp on her when she moved out of the way. When she stood up, Sincline hit a knee strike on her, which toppled her down again. The ground shook as her robeast fell.

"I have an idea Lotor if you allow me?" asked Keith.

"Go ahead young blade, finish her," replied Lotor.

"With pleasure," shouted Keith.

Voltron grabbed one arm of Honerva's robeast and placed in an armbar and ripped out right out. The Atlas followed suit and did the same with the other arm.

Now Honerva's robeast was armless. She stood up, but this time Sincline took out its sword out and took out both of her beast's legs. Lotor could see Honerva jump out of her robeast at that exact moment.

They defeated the robeast.

"I just saw her escape. I must go after her. Everyone take care of the civilians on the ground. She must be stopped," exclaimed Lotor.

Their mech's separated. The Atlas transformed back into a ship, the Sincline into ships and Voltron back to their lions.

"You can't defeat her on her own, We will all come and help," shouted Wilder.

"No I must do this on my own, she is my responsibility. Wilder and the rest of team Voltron keep Allura safe," shouted Lotor.

Lotor jumped out his ship and ran after his mother. What he didn't know was both Wilder and Allura followed him.

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