Chapter XXXI - A Good day for a Faux Wedding Day

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As Lotor was approaching the altar, he could see all of the palidans and Allura sitting with all Altean guards surrounding them. He turned to look at Allura. He tried to conceal his smile, but she looked so beautiful in her only Altean royal outfit. Wilder, and the palidans who were in their standard Earth clothing, except for the yellow and green ones, as each decided to wear a nice shirt and pants. With each step, he could feel a burning desire to just end things and start fighting, but he knew he had to wait until the time was right.

He approached the altar and Honerva whispered to Lotor: "In time you will come to realize that this was the right decision. The whole galaxy will be ours to rule."

Lotor put a fake smile on his face and replied: "Yes mother, ours to rule."

The next thing Lotor heard was guards playing some Altean instrument he only heard a couple of times when he was on the colony. They were playing some sort of music, which he didn't know until Honerva told him it was an Altean wedding march. Out came Romelle in her wedding dress. It was white, with light blue lacing at the bottom, with a long train to match. He could easily see that Romelle was truly nauseated but tried to put a brave face on. As she approached, the palidans started to become more uncomfortable, but Allura settled them down.

Now the music stopped and Lotor and Romelle were now facing each other and Honerva spoke: "We are gathered here today on the most joyous occasion in the joining of my son Prince Lotor and Romelle. If anyone wishes to stop this wedding, please speak now." Everyone looked at team Voltron, but no one said anything.

"As with any Altean wedding, the bride and groom will say their vows to each other and we will end off with the ceremonial tying of the hands and placing of the rings to signify they are man and wife. Normally the groom will say their vows first, but Romelle has offered to say hers first," said Honerva.

At this moment Lotor looked at Allura. He couldn't imagine his wedding day to end up being like this. He could see how angry she was just by looking at her eyes, though her body language said otherwise.

Romelle cleared her throat, placed her hands on Lotor's and recited her vows: "Lotor, I take thee to my husband and future ruler of the new Altean empire. I will honor and obey you. I hope to bear you as many heirs so our empire will a mass greatly. I give you my vow."

Lotor gave a wink to Romelle and then recited his vows: "Romelle, I do not take thee to my wife, as the one I love is Princess Allura, the true leader of the Altean empire."

Honerva grabbed Lotor by the hand and shouted: "How dare you my ungrateful son of mine. I knew this was all a rouse. Guards seize the palidans, Allura and friend."

Lotor yanked his arm from Honerva and pulled out his gun from the back of his clothing and yelled at Romelle to do the same.

The palidans, Allura, and Wilder, though surrounded by guards, were able to out-maneuver them and were able to get to Lotor and Romelle.

All the guards held weapons to everyone until the palidans closed their eyes summoned their lions to the planet. Within a couple of dobashes, the lions appeared.  

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