Chapter XXIV - Movie Night

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Lotor met up with Wilder just outside the crew's lounge.

"So I heard you made up with some of the palidans. That sounds good," said Wilder.

"Yes, I did, he didn't seem that hard once I opened up to them about my struggles throughout my lifetime. But we seem to be on the same page now. No more secrets. No more lies," said Lotor.

"Well, that is good. Apparently, there is a thing called a movie night going on in the lounge in a bit. I thought we can just hang out and relax since we haven't been able to do that since we started our adventure," spoke Wilder.

"Your right, I haven't been able to relax since the moment I awoke from my coma, though Allura put me at ease recently," exclaimed Lotor.

Wilder smiled "Put you at ease, right. Nice word to use."

They entered the lounge and saw Coran, Romelle, and Allura sitting on a couch waiting for the movie to start. They walked up to them.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" asked Wilder.

"Yes, you can sit with us," answered Allura.

Allura at this point was sitting next to Coran, but she asked him if he could move over so Lotor could sit with her. Wilder sat next to Romelle, but she became upset when she saw Lotor and Allura holding hands and somewhat cuddling together.

"Allura, how can you forgive this monster. He killed my brother and countless Alteans. I will never forgive him and neither should you," shouted Romelle.

All the other crew personal turned around to see what was going on.

"Romelle calm yourself down. Lotor and I worked out our differences. We are now together. He cares for me as I care for him. We are in love," exclaimed Allura

"Princess, if this what you want, I will support you," said Coran.

"Coran, I can't believe you would accept Lotor as a friend, just because the Allura is in love with him. I will never forgive him for killing my brother," shouted Romelle.

"As I stated numerous times, the Alteans were not dead, but in stasis. Your brother couldn't handle what we're about to do. As far as I am concerned, he killed himself. I wanted to save him and the whole colony," stated Lotor.

At that moment, Romelle slapped Lotor across the face.

"Romelle!" shouted Allura and Coran in unison.

"It's quite alright, I deserved to be slapped as long as it gets her aggression towards me out," exclaimed Lotor.

"Romelle, this was supposed to be a relaxing night, but you have turned it upside down. I think it would best if you leave," said Allura.

Just as Romelle was about to leave, sirens started going off in the ship. Shiro's voice came on the comm "Everyone to your battle stations, Altean ship approaching."

At that moment all the crew personnel exited the lounge.

"Lotor and Wilder please take Romelle and back to her quarters. Coran and I will head to the bridge," said Allura.

"Let me come with the two of you. I can help. Wilder could bring her to her quarters," replied Lotor.

"No, I don't want anything to happen to you again. I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again. Promise me you abide by my wishes," said Allura.

"As you wish, my love," replied Lotor.

As Lotor and Allura were going their separate ways, two Alteans transported onto the Atlas out of thin air. They took a hold of both Romelle and Lotor and within an instant, they were gone.

"Lotor!" Allura screamed as tears rolled down her face as she fell to her knees.


I will warn you the next couple of chapters might be a little off as I have been dealing with a nasty cold over the weekend. I hope you enjoy these 3 chapters. I will post the next weekend. I just can't believe this story is coming to end. I don't know what to do with myself when it is done. But thank you to all who have read the story so far =)

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