Chapter XIX - Victory or Death

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Two quintants later, Shiro released Lotor from his cell. He was assigned quarters next to Wilder's room. As per Shiro's request, he was to not contact Allura which he abided too. The one thing Lotor wanted to do was to get his body in shape and to start training again. Shiro gave directions to the training deck to Lotor and Wilder.

As they were walking to the training deck, all the crew personnel were giving them dirty looks.

"Take no offense Lotor, they don' know the real you. They only know what the palidans told them," said Wilder

"It's quite alright, I am used to this, as every Galra never treated me as their equal, including my father," stated Lotor.

They came to the training deck and enter the codes Shiro gave them. When they opened the door inside they found the blue palidan Lance training with his Altean broadsword. He turned around and saw Lotor and almost lunged at him if it wasn't for Wilder coming between the two

"You have some nerve coming here. I never trusted you from the beginning. Everyone thought I was being selfish, but how right I was. You stabbed us all in the back, but the worse thing was how you hurt Allura. The woman loved you and gave her heart to you, and you had to trash it, thank goodness she moved on from your sorry ass," shouted Lance.

Wilder chimed in "You don't know what you are talking about, you don't know the real Lotor."

"And you do?" exclaimed Lance

"Wilder you don't have to defend me to him, he is right I did turn my back on the team. There is no excuse for what I did. I must apologize for my action," said Lotor

"Well, I don't accept your apology. I don't know how Shiro let you roam free on the Atlas, they should have locked you up and threw away the key," shouted Lance

Wilder was really getting perturb by Lance is shouting and wanted to clock him in the head, when Lotor stepped in.

"I noticed you're not getting much of a work out with these training drones, may I step in to train with you as you could get your aggressions out on me, or as the earth saying kick my butt," uttered Lotor

Lance looked at Lotor and came lunging at him with his Altean broadsword. Lotor and Wilder moved out of the way as Lance tripped over his feet.

"Wilder leave me with this palidan, I don't think he will cause me that much harm," said Lotor

"Are you sure, he seems really riled up," stated Wilder

"We can train together later, if you see the princess, please give my regards." With that Lotor pulled out his sword and went into combat with Lance.

"Your technique needs work. I can help you with that," exclaimed Lotor

"You help me, don't bet on it. I will never need your help ever Lotor," yelled Lance.

Lotor kept evading Lance's offense, and Lance kept failing his pursuit to outfight Lotor.

"You know you can never out-duel me, I have trained and fought with the best swordsmen in the universe for deca-phoebs. This is futile, please let me help you become a great one like myself. I can teach you," stated Lotor

Lance held his breath and smirked at Lotor and said: "No wonder Allura never wants to see you, you are just as bad as Zarkon."

At that moment, Lotor's blood started to boil and he lost patience with the blue paladin

"Is that so, is that why she chose me over you. Yes, I knew that you had feelings for her, don't you think the princess and I spoke about it. She felt bad for you, as she knew she could not return the feelings back," shouted Lotor

The swords clanged so hard, the sound vibrated thru out the room.

Lance seemed to have the upper hand for once, but Lotor saw an opening and tripped up Lance. He held the tip of his sword at Lance's throat and Lance opened his mouth and said "Why don't you finish me. Isn't that what you know victory or death?"

Lotor pulled his sword away from Lance and offered a hand to Lance to help him up. Lance pushed it aside and got up himself.

Once again Lance got in Lotor's face when they heard her.

"Stop the two of you. We have a war outside, I do not appreciate one on this ship," exclaimed Allura

Lotor turned around and saw her beautiful face. Even when she was upset, she was still beautiful in his eyes. Lotor bowed to her

"Lotor, you don't have to bow to me anymore, I am no longer a princess," said Allura

"In my eyes, you all be a princess to me," stated Lotor

"Lotor I know Shiro said for you to stay away from me, but I think its time we talk one on one," said Allura

"You can't be alone with this guy Allura, let me be in the room with you," stated Lance

"Lance I will be alright, just continue with your training. Lotor is right your form needs work," said Allura

Lance went back to his training drones as Lotor and Allura exited the training deck.

As the door closed, Lotor looked into Allura's eyes and could sense a change in her something he wasn't ready to see.

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