Chapter XXXIII - White Lion

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As Kendra flew the ship, Lotor had one of the guards place a fake communication to the warship saying they captured Lotor under Empress Honerva's orders and were commanded to return to the warship. While the guard was doing this, Lotor communicated with Shiro on a secure line.

"Shiro I am going to get on the warship just attack our ship, but just hit us, but not fatally, I have some Alteans here who are fighting with us. We just have to make it seem we are on their side. Once we take control of the ship, we will communicate with you then," said Lotor.

"Alright, Lotor. We will wait for your next communication," said Shiro.

Just then the viewfinder came on and Altean guards came on screen. "Ah you have the traitor, well bring him aboard. We will wait for the Empress next course of action which pertains to her disgraceful son," exclaimed the guard.

The Altean ship circled around to the back of the warship and entered the docking area.

When they exited the ship all the soldiers started to scream "For Prince Lotor and Princess Allura." Lotor started fighting with his infantry against Honerva's. He could clearly see the sincline ships in the distance on the ship. He fought thru the soldiers to get the ships, but at the last moment a soldier took a shot a Lotor and hit him square in the back. Lotor fell face forward while the fighting was going on.

Lotor awoke into a dream state. There standing in front of him was the white lion. He looked at the lion and got on his knees and said: "I need to save my people, Allura, Wilder, the palidans and the rest of team on the Atlas. I will give my life for them for they have given my life back to me. Please help me."

The lion looked at Lotor and replied back, "We were the ones to save you from the rift. Lotor we now see you are worthy of receiving knowledge you wished to seek as it has always been within you. You are worthy of your Altean and Galra heritage. You now realize that both halves make you strong. Rise and receive your gifts."

Lotor rose and felt a strong white light lifting his soul to heights he never dreamed off.

"Now open your eyes and do what you were destined to be," said the White Lion.

Lotor opened his eyes awoke to all the fighting. One of the guards was about to talk a fatal blow to him when he summoned the sincline ships to him while in the hanger. Sirens started to go off when the ships started to fire on the guards. He didn't want to kill them but wound them. His fleet started to get the upper hand. The young female guard who help fly the ship, helped Lotor escape the ship.

His fleet was able to overtake the warship crew. They were able to communicate with the Atlas and the Atlas stopped shooting at them. Lotor flew the sincline ships onto the Atlas. Wilder and Shiro were waiting for him.

"Shiro I am glad to see you, we must head to the planet to stop Honerva and her robeast. Wilder come with me as I will need your help in transforming sincline. I cannot do it without you," said Lotor.

"I am honored. Let's stop your mother, excuse me Honerva once and for all," exclaimed Wilder.

"Alright Lotor, we will follow your lead," replied Shiro.

Wilder and Lotor entered the sincline ships and exited the Atlas. Now all ships were entering planet Colevic to end the war once and for all.

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