Chapter X - The Art of Manipulation

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There was Van once again sitting all alone in the canteen looking over his research, when Wilder plopped next to him

"Hey Van, what's you doing?"

"Why are you bothering me again, I am sitting by myself for a reason now please leave."

"I would, but seeing that I hacked your information console and see that you are studying Lotor's ship that was supposed to be destroyed, has me curious to what you are up to."

This startled Van by this fact that Wilder invaded his work.

"I don't think Ryner knows what you are up to. That is good because you seem to be a very highly intelligent person. I think Ryner would not know how to handle a ship like this. You are very brave to take this task on your own."

Van looked up from his console and gave a smile to Wilder.

"You are right; she does not know the power this ship wields. You are the first person to compliment me on my work. No one seems to understand what I am trying to do. Besides my findings are not for Ryner or the coalition. I have associates who want information on the ship. I just manipulated Ryner to let me study the ship further so I can give the information to them."

Wilder pressed further for more information. It seems the more he stroked Van's ego the more information he got out of him. No wonder Lotor was able to get information out of his subjects he was that good.

"Is it possible that I can see the ship again? Since I assumed it was destroyed I never got to marvel at its presence. Don't worry I won't be in your way when you're running your experiments. I don't want to get in the way of greatness."

Van smiled at Wilder. Wilder couldn't believe it was going so well

"Meet me in front of hanger three in five vargas and I will show you the ship, but you cannot let anyone know, including Ryner know what test I have been conducting."

Wilder smirked at Van. "Your secret is safe with me."

Van got off from the table and walked away. Wilder knew he couldn't say anything to Ryner about this, but he knew Lotor might be able to help.

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