Chapter VIII - Lies

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Wilder returned to his quarters and was completely exhausted though he was curious to see what was in the ship's data. He wanted to see, but his whole body was telling him otherwise. He plopped on his bed and went straight to sleep. He woke up several vargas later extremely famished. Once again, he wanted to look at that data, but his hunger got the better of him. Thus, he strolled out to the canteen to see what delicious food the Olkarians have cooked up today. He was looking for a table to sit at and saw Ryner was sitting alone, so he came to join Ryner.

"How are you doing today?"

Ryner looked up from her console and greeted Wilder "I am doing well Wilder and yourself?"

"Well just enjoying what Olkarion has to offer, I just came from the beach, so peaceful and calm, I fell asleep listening to the waves," Wilder answered

"Since our conversations, I have noticed recently thru the prison logs you have been visiting Lotor a lot and have you gotten thru to him regarding his memories on the attack on team Voltron."

"No, not yet, but you have seen the pictures he has been sketching. It seems he is remembering something, but I don't think he is ready to accept it."

"Well once he does remember, we have to be careful as he might return to the old Emperor Lotor and try to escape and destroy the universe again."

"I hear yeah. We don't want a bad Lotor out there in space." Wilder said with a fake smile.

"Sorry to cut this short Wilder, but I have some appointments to attend, but please enjoy your stay in Olkarion." With that, Ryner got off from the table and left.

As Ryner left, Wilder kept asking himself, why would Ryner lie to him and keep the ship intact knowing that Lotor at any minute could escape and take his ship back.

Wilder was curious to see what Ryner was doing. He knew it was wrong, but he had to know what her plans were with Lotor's ship.

For vargas, he spied on Ryner. She never once visited the secret hanger. Ryner seemed to visit the science lab a great deal. He saw Ryner speak to one particular scientist on a daily basis. Since he was getting nowhere spying on Ryner, he decided to shift his focus on the particular scientist.

He had seen him around the canteen. His name was Van and he was not that friendly as the other Olkarians and seemed to keep to himself. Wilder also saw him with a communication console in his hand. Wilder went to approach him to see if he could hack his system.

"Hey Van, that's your name, right? I have seen you in the canteen sitting alone, may I come and join you."

"You're the person who brought Lotor to us; I guess we should be grateful for," Van said sarcastically

"You don't sound so happy, you should cheer up, he won't be causing any harm to us or the universe."

"Oh I know he won't, I will make sure, I mean we the Olkarians will make sure he won't harm anyone."

Wilder noticed Van stumbled on his words.

"Now if you excuse me, some people have work to do." With that, Van quickly took off.

Wilder ventured back to his quarters to gather all the information he got from Van's console. He knew of a better hacker than he was to decrypt the data. He contacted Matt Holt and asked him his expertise in decrypting the data he got from Van's console. With Matt's help, he was able to open the encrypted file. There it was, all of Van's research. He was trying to figure out a way to harness the quintessence from Lotor's ship. Why was he doing this and why was Ryner allowing it?

He could not flat out call Ryner out on her lies, then Ryner would know he was spying on the Olkarians. How was he to get the truth out of her?

Since he had been on spying Ryner and Van, he forgot about Lotor's ship data and the communication log he wanted to hear.

Wilder had gotten himself into such a conundrum. He did not know what to do. There was so much going on that he needed a break.  

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