Chapter XVII - Trackers

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Wilder and Lotor spent many movements trying to find the sincline. They thought they tracked it in the Olique system, but they moved on very quickly. Tracking them was very sporadic. There was no defined way they were traveling in. Maybe they knew they were being tracked.

"Are you sure the sincline won't realize it is being tracked?" inquired Wilder

"That was the one flaw my ship had. I thought it was undefeatable and felt what was the point if I could outpower any ship the coalition threw at me, including Voltron."

"Incredible, you were that cocky about your ship that you forgot to put a tracking sensor," laughed Wilder

"Well at least my ship had a strong sensor array," smirked Lotor

"Lotor when the Alteans said Empress, do you think they were talking about your mother Honerva?" queried Wilder

"I am not quite sure, but she would be the only one who would have taken the Alteans from the colony. Besides, I do not consider her kin as she neglected me since the day I was born. I hate that woman so much with a passion. How could she call herself, my mother? What mother would abandon her child, force her child to see an entire planet destroyed at the hand of her husband, my father. They both loved quintessence more than they ever loved me. I even ask myself, was I born out of love or was I mistake as my father would call it," Lotor slammed his hand on his console.

Wilder could see Lotor how much pain Honerva and Zarkon brought on him. No child should ever feel the way Lotor did. He could not trust or love no one.

"Were you ever happy in all your life. Sorry if I am intruding, you don't have to answer if it is too personal."

"No, it quite alright Wilder. There have been three instances when I was. The first when I got to work with a planet's inhabitants, the second was when I was working with Allura, and this is the third."

Wilder had a surprised look on his face "I make you happy, I am honored and touched Lotor."

"Don't be surprised, Wilder. You are the only who sees the good me, just like the princess."

"She doesn't go by princess any, but yeah I do see good in you Lotor, and I know you want to stop whoever is behind stealing sincline and the Robeast."

"She will always be my princess to me. If I only trusted her more, then none of this would be happening. I should have just told her the truth the moment we were on Oriande. Maybe she would have understood. We could have been there for our people, but instead, I didn't let her in and I lost her, the Alteans, and myself."

"Well, at least you have a chance to set things right for the two of you. The strange thing about this, in my opinion, you two are meant to be together. I am not the romantic type, but the way you speak highly of her tells me, there is love in your heart for her."

"I just wish I knew if those feelings are still there in her heart. So much time has passed. I know the mission is to stop the Empress, but what I really want is to just be in he arms again."

"Look Lotor, it seems the ship has stopped in the Patruilian zone."

"That is where Oriande is, now I know Honerva is involved with this whole mess. Only chosen Alteans can enter Oriande, she must have taken the Alteans there. We must contact the coalition and team Voltron. We cannot take them on our own even if we tried. Honerva is too powerful to take on."

Wilder sent communications back to Earth with the information they found. Captain Shiro told Wilder that the Atlas and team Voltron would meet them in the Patrulian zone and to stay put until they arrived.

"Well, I guess you're going to get to deliver your letter to Allura sooner than later."

"I have not finished the letter, but since we have some time, I will finish it now."

Lotor sat in the bunk at the back of the ship and focused on completing the letter. All his feelings poured freely into the letter. He was finally done the letter when Wilder came on the com, "Lotor we are approaching the Patrulian zone. The Atlas is here as well.

Lotor came to the front of the ship and was in awe of the Atlas. It was nothing he has ever seen before.

"Open communications. Wilder."

Wilder pressed the communication button

"Captain Shiro, do we have permission to board?"

Shiro responded, "Yes you may, but Lotor since we cannot trust you at the moment, we require you to remain in a secure unit until we are debriefed on your findings."

"That is quite alright. Its understandable after the mess I created."

From the corner of the viewfinder, Lotor could see the princess standing with her arms cross. No longer wearing a paladin uniform, but the same uniform as Shiro, but pink. Though she had a stern face, she still looked beautiful to him.

The Atlas opened their docking bay and Wilder flew the ship into it.

"It's now or never Lotor. This is your one chance to get your happily ever after. Don't blow it."

The door to Wilder's ship opened and guards escorted Lotor to his unit. 

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