Chapter XXIX - Lu

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After Allura ended communications with Lotor, Wilder was confused as to why Allura would even think of going to Lotor and Romelle's wedding. Before he could ask, Lance decided to give his two cents.

"See, I knew he couldn't be trusted. I knew he would break your heart but with all people Romelle. Didn't see that coming. We shouldn't be going," shouted Lance.

"Lotor is not marrying Romelle, he is giving Honerva false hope. He would never yield to Honerva. We are going to that wedding and we are going to take Honerva down once and for all, " affirmed Allura.

"If she knows how Lotor thinks, then I agree with Allura's assessment of the situation," replied Shiro.

"I agree with Allura. I know Lotor would never marry Romelle, his heart will always belong to Allura. This is just a ploy. I mean if he truly wanted to marry Romelle, he would have done it on Oriande. He is giving us leeway to taking down Honerva and her forces," declared Wilder.

"I guess we are going to Colevic to stop a wedding and to take down Honerva. Unless you have any objections Lance?" asked Keith

Lance crossed his arms and said: "No, but I still don't trust the guy, but for Allura, I will do it."

"You shouldn't do it for me, you should do it for the greater good," exclaimed Allura to Lance.

Lance nodded to the Allura "Yeah you are right, for the greater good."

Allura turned to Wilder and asked him if he would join her in the conference room. Wilder agreed.

When they entered the conference room Wilder had to ask "How did you know Lotor was lying?"

"When Lotor and I had our talk we came up with a code word as a way of communicating with each other. If either of us used our code word, we would know what the other was thinking. So when he called me Lu, I knew he was lying," said Allura.

"Why Lu?" asked Wilder

"My father used to tease me with that name, as I hated when he called me that. Since Honerva never heard Alfor use that name for me, it was a perfect code word. Honerva probably thinks it's a pet name that Lotor has for me," said Allura.

"No wonder the two of you are a perfect match. You just know what the other is thinking, even if you were worlds apart," said Wilder.

"After Lotor killed Zarkon, I learned a lot about Lotor's strategic mind. I learned thru him that our initial meeting, that he wanted to know our strengths as individuals. He knew just how to play us. He had no plans to destroy us. I just wished I listened to his side of the story. I shouldn't have judged him so harshly." said Allura

Wilder walked up to Allura and put a hand on her shoulder "We all thought the worst of Lotor, but at least we gave him a chance to explain himself, something his own family never did for him. Honerva thinks she is the only family he has, but we are his family, not her. I will do my damn best to make sure you and Lotor get your happy ending," exclaimed Wilder.

"Thank you, Wilder. I knew I could trust you with Lotor. No wonder he considers you his closest friend. He told me he had friends thru out his lifetime, but nothing like the friendship he has created with you. So thank you for being there for him. Now we have to find a close moon or asteroid to put the lions on. We can't go to the wedding with them, or else Honerva will bar as from even entering the atmosphere of Colevic," said Allura.

"Why on a moon or asteroid? Don't you need to be on the planet to use your lions?" asked Wilder.

"No, we can summon our lions when we need them. We did this so the Galra wouldn't detect us when went to Earth. We flew to Earth using a Galra jet, but that's another story for another day. Now its time to rescue Lotor and Romelle," exclaimed Allura.

"Agreed. How do you plan on stopping this wedding?" asked Wilder.

"Let's get the rest of the team in here to discuss that," said Allura.

She went to the intercom to call the rest of the team in. Within a few doboshes, they left for planet Colevic to stop the wedding of Lotor and Romelle.

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