Chapter XXXIX - It's a New Day

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Everyone was waiting for Lotor, Allura, and Wilder to exit the cave.

"The waiting is driving me crazy, we have to go in. Who's with me?" shouted Lance.

"Stand down Lance, I know we lost communication with them, but I have faith that they are alright," said Shiro.

"I agree with Shiro's assessment too. Lance just wait," uttered Pidge.

Hunk was waiting at the opening of the gave when he could see the light blaring from Wilder's wrist communicator."I can see them, I can see them," yelled Hunk.

Everyone ran to greet the three of them.

Coran ran to Allura: "My dear are you alright, did Honerva hurt you?"

"No, she did not. I am just pretty much drained with being pregnant with twins and all," proclaimed Allura.

All the palidans, Shiro, Romelle, and Coran were stunned.

"Pregnant, when did this happen?" they all happily screamed.

Keith game a sly look to Lotor and laughed: "Oh I know when."

They all ran and gave one big group hug. Lotor did not use to being part of something like this, but it sure felt nice and something he could get used to.

Romelle stood upon a hill of rocks and got everyone's attention: "I know we came here on the false pretense of a wedding, however, we still have supplies to actually put on a real wedding. Let us set up camp and celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Princess Allura and Prince Lotor. Who is with me?"

All the Alteans shouted in glee. All the palidans and Wilder agreed. Coran agreed to officiate the wedding.

Once the festivities were dying down. Allura and Lotor retreated to Blue.

"I can't believe I will be your wife tomorrow. I never thought this would be happening. I dreamed of you coming back to me. I thought it was hopeless, but something inside me made me believe you were still out there. I don't know why I chose Wilder, but I sure made the best decision to send him to you. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him," proclaimed Allura.

"I know we must reward him with something. Well with your upcoming pregnancy, I don't think you would be able to fly Blue, but I don't know if I would need to fly her since the war is over," replied Lotor.

Allura snuggled closer to Lotor in their makeshift bed on Blue: "That is true, but I think he liked flying Sincline with you, though I know how much he wanted to be like Blaytz."

"Well it's his decision on what his next path is, we can only guide him to what that is," replied Lotor.

"Though I would love to talk to you all night my love, but carrying two babies inside me has made me extremely tired. Let us get our rest as we are getting married tomorrow," declared Allura as she yawned.

Allura fell asleep right away. Lotor put his head on Allura's belly and whispered "It's a new day my children, it's a new day," as he drifted asleep.

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