Chapter XXVIII - Wedding Invitation

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Two movements had passed and the Altean ship was packed with wedding supplies ready to depart for planet Colevic.

Honerva walked up to Lotor "In a couple of vargas, you will become the supreme leader of the Alteans and you and your queen will rule the universe. No one will stop us."

A slight shiver went thru Lotor. The thought of working with his mother made him sick "I know mother, we can rule the universe in a less brutal way then father. They will all fall to us."

Romelle made her way to the ship carrying a bouquet of juniper flowers "I am ready to go, I just thought of sprucing up my quarters with the bouquet. I am still amazed how you managed to grow these flowers on Oriande."

"My mother's powers are boundless. She showed me how she could conjure my favorite tart ouy of thin air. It was quite fascinating," said Lotor.

"Come, let us depart, if you want a mid-afternoon wedding, we must leave now. All the guards need to set up prior to the wedding day," said Honerva.

Honerva, Lotor, Romelle and the rest of the fleet entered the ship and departed Oriande.

Once they were out of the white hole, Lotor could see the Atlas in view "Mother, would I be able to contact the Atlas to let them know of our impending nuptials?"

"Yes, you may. Guard let Lotor at the communication helm," said Honerva.

Lotor walked up to the communication and hailed the Atlas. The Atlas responded and the viewfinder pulled up the video feed from the Atlas.

"Lotor are you alright?" asked Allura.

"Lu, I am alright. However, you will not be after what I am about to say to you. Romelle and I have decided to marry. We would like to cordially invite you to planet Colevic to celebrate our union. I am sorry our relationship has come to end, but I think this is for the best for all of us," stated Lotor

"How dare you say your feelings for me were true and then go and marry another. I hate you Lotor," screamed Allura

Romelle came to helm "Allura please be happy for us. I want you, Wilder, and the rest of the paladins to be here on our wedding day. You are our friends. We would hate it if you could not attend. Allura you are my closest friend. Please, I need you to be here on my special day."

With tears in her eyes, Allura responded: "If it means that much to the two of you, we will attend."

"Then its agreed, we will see you on planet Colevic in a couple of vargas. Thank you for accepting the invitation, I know it means as much as to Romelle as it does for me. We will see you then," Lotor ended the communication.

Within a couple of ticks, their ship wormholed out of the Patrulian Zone.

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