Chapter XX - Absence Makes the Heart Grow Stronger

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Lotor knew they would not get any privacy so Allura took him to her quarters. She reluctantly brought him in. Her quarters were almost like his but no shared washroom like with Wilder. Her bed was large and her desk was situated where the windows were. She brought two chairs to the center of her room.

"Sit," Allura demanded.

Lotor obliged her request.

Allura paced around Lotor as he looked at her with loving eyes.

"How can you stand to look at me, after what I said to you, and how I left you in the Rift? How do you still have feelings for me?" demanded Allura as she put her hands on his hands.

Lotor responded, "I know I should be angry with you, but you were angry with me for not telling you the truth about the colony and you were going on what Romelle told you. You had every right. I don't blame you."

"Why could you tell me the truth from the beginning. If you explained all those deca-phoebs again when we first took you in, this, all this would never happen right now. Our people would be safe from harm. Lotor why couldn't you just trust me, just as I trusted you with my heart? When we kissed that night you held my hand to your heart, I thought we were moving in the right direction, I thought..." Allura stopped mid-sentence

"You thought we were on the verge of a royal alliance or marriage?" asked Lotor

"We will never know because of your fear to not trust me. You knew how I felt about you, why didn't you just be honest with me," shouted Allura

Lotor stood up and looked deeply in Allura's eyes "Being who and what I am made it hard for me to trust anyone all my life. I couldn't even trust my generals with this information and looked what happened when I became an enemy of the Galra, they turned so fast on me. I was afraid you would do the same," said Lotor

"Which I did before I heard all the facts for which I am truly sorry for. I judged you for who your father was and not for the man you were. I should have listened to you when you said to me that I was not ready to end the war. I clearly wasn't. You are a far better leader than I ever was. A good leader would have heard all facts before coming to a conclusion. I let my feelings get the better of me," cried Allura

With tears in her eyes, Lotor grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. He lost control and Allura pushed him off him.

"How could you kiss me after everything we have been thru. Don't you know things have changed, I have changed," said Allura

Lotor looked at Allura and held her hand and said "I know you have changed, but my feelings have not. When I woke up on Olkarion, all I kept thinking about was you and how I wronged you and if I had another chance to be with you I would never ever let you go. Princess, you make me a better leader and a better man. I thought I would never know what love was after enduring deca-pheobs of pain from my own family, but when we went to Oriande together I finally knew what love was. I just wish I told you how I felt sooner."

Allura looked into Lotor's eyes intently and at that moment kissed Lotor. Lotor returned the feelings back and grabbed Allura and held her close. Their kiss grew deeper and wetter, much more intimate than anything they'd tried before. Lotor picked up Allura and carried her to her bed. He placed her gently on the bed. Their bodies meeting and the heat building between them.

Lotor paused "Allura if you want to stop, I will. I don't want to pressure you to do anything you do not want to do."

"Lotor we waited this long and time is a luxury that we don't have. My feelings for you are true, and I don't want to wait another moment, because it can be taken away in an instant," declared Allura.

A couple of vargas later Lotor was standing and looking outside the window. The room was dark but the light coming from the white hole brighten up Allura's quarters. He was half dressed when Allura came and hugged him from behind.

"Could you believe deca-phoebs ago we came here searching for the birthplace of Altean alchemy. Now it's being corrupt by my own mother. I was never worthy of learning the secrets as you did. I blame it on my Galra half," said Lotor

"Lotor the white lion knew you were hiding something, if you only gave in to it, you would have learned the secrets, but because you had a hard time to time trusting myself and others, you couldn't let the lion in. You have to have a little faith," smiled Allura

Lotor smiled at Allura "Close your eyes, my princess, I have a gift for you."

"Lotor, you don't have to give me anything, I don't deserve it. Your gift to me is just your presence," said Allura

Lotor went to pick up his flight jacket off the floor and pulled something from the inside pocket.

He then got on one knee "Allura you can open your eyes now."

Allura was shocked to see Lotor holding a pink diamond necklace. "Princess I know this is not a ring, but this is a declaration of my intent to marry you, it was all I could afford at the space mall."

Tears started to flow from Allura's eyes. "Lotor, I do not know what to say. It's all so fast, but all I know is that I don't want to spend another moment away from you, and to answer your question, its yes, I will marry you, but first we have to get thru this war with your mother."

Lotor placed the necklace on Allura's neck and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Princess, may I use your shower, to refresh myself."

"Only if I could join you," smirked Allura

"Oh my Allura," blushed Lotor as his Altean marks glowed.

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