Chapter XXXII - Allies

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Honerva looked up to see the lions were surrounding her infantry and said: "I knew the palidans hid their lions on a desolated moon. That is why I brought my robeasts along for the ride. You assumed wrong Lotor. Guards get to your mechs."

"Well what you didn't expect the Honerva, is that just like the palidans have a strong connection with their lions, I too with my sincline ships. I let you steal the ship I was in since I knew you would try to control the mech yourself. It will never yield to you," yelled Lotor.

Honerva was shocked and surprised by Lotor's revelation: "Well well, the student as now become the teacher. Well done son. In my wildest dream would you surpass any of my research. However, I now come to realize why Zarkon never wanted you to lead the Galra as you are weak and feeble and cannot be trusted. You will never be worthy of the Galra and Altean empires. You will always be a mistake. The reason why I could not continue my quintessence research. You sucking the life out of me is what killed me. I wish you died inside of me when I entered the rift with your father."

"How dare you say that about Lotor. You will never be worthy of being his mother. You are a monster just like Zarkon. All you care about is the quintessence. You never had one ounce of being a real mother to him. All he wanted was to make you and Zarkon proud, but the two of you saw was a failure and a mistake. I made the mistake of judging Lotor by your actions, but he was never like the two of you. He was above you, a better leader who could of lead the Galra empire into a new era of peace," shouted Allura.

"Allura there is no use of talking down the witch. We must strike her down before she can take us down first," exclaimed Lotor.

At that moment, weapons were fired and the palidans, Wilder, Lotor, Allura and Romelle all ran to the lions. Lotor tried to summon sincline, but something was blocking his connection so he accompanied Allura into the blue lion. Wilder took Romelle into the coalition ship and escaped the planet, while the other palidans covered them. Wilder and Romelle were met by the Atlas. However, a large Altean warship appeared. It was the same one they encountered earlier. The Atlas started to fire at the warship once Wilder and Romelle were secured.

Meanwhile down on the planet, all the lions were fighting the robeasts on their own, when Keith called the team to form Voltron. Lotor knew he couldn't be on the blue lion when this happened so he told Allura to let him vacate and so he could try to find the sincline ship down on the planet. Allura stood up but felt very light-headed when she tried to stop Lotor.

"Allura all you all right? You must save your strength to form Voltron. I don't think you will be able to form if I am aboard. Besides I need to find sincline. I know Honerva brought him here, I can sense him," said Lotor.

"Alright, we all trust you Lotor, now go find sincline, just be safe. I can't lose you again, but before you go, please change out of those clothes, I brought something more suitable," said Allura.

Lotor quickly changed out of his wedding garment into a Garisson uniform similar to his Galra one. He gave Allura a kiss and flew out of the blue lion. He watched from a distance as the lions formed Voltron.

When he landed on the ground, there were Altean guards surrounding the ship they arrived on. The ship was too small to house sincline, but he remembered the Altean warship he was captured on. It was large enough to house the ships. He contacted Allura and informed her he would need to get back in space and to the Atlas and he needed cover to do that. Allura told the team to keep all the robeast off Lotor.

Lotor knew the only way to get to space was to use the same ship. There were too many Altean guards surrounding him, but all of a sudden, some of the guards started to turn and to join Lotor in his fight. Lotor was surprised but kept fighting until one of the allied guards said: "Lotor we know why you left us, Romelle told us the truth. We never wanted to be in this war, please save us as you did before."

Lotor with more confidence fought thru Honerva's depleted forces to get inside the ship. There he was met with more guards, however, the majority of them were on his side and cast the ones who were not on the planet. "Prince Lotor what are your orders," kneeled one of the guards.

"Stand up, there is no time to kneel. We must get to the Atlas and help them with their fight. I need to get my sincline ship," exclaimed Lotor.

All the guards rose to their feet and ran to their position on the ship's bridge. Lotor took the helm. It was similar to Castle of Lions. Lotor didn't have the alchemy to fly it, but another guard did.

"Prince Lotor, my name is Kendra. Your mother has been training me to fly this ship, may I," said the young female guard.

Lotor looked at the young girl and new he had to place trust in her or else they would not be going anywhere.

"You may, but if it turns out you are working with the witch, I will no doubt have to take you down swiftly," said Lotor.

Within a couple of dobashes, they were in space.

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