Chapter XXX - Planet Colevic

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The sunrise on planet Colevic was bright and it was fairly warm. Lotor awoke to hear workers getting the wedding prepared from outside his tent. He got dressed and exited his tent and found his mother and some of her generals talking. As he approached them, his mother made them disperse as this made Lotor curious as to what to they were talking about.

"Good morning mother, I see you are up early. If it's not intruding, may I know what your conversation with your generals was about?" asked Lotor.

"It is none of your concern. What you should be concerned about is your wedding day. It is such a splendid day for one. The weather will be very warm and not a rain cloud in sight. It is perfect for an outdoor wedding. Romelle and yourself will make a perfect bride and groom" exclaimed Honerva.

Lotor knew his mother was dodging his question. He knew better not to believe anything Honerva said to him.

"Mother the only reason I asked is that we all know team Voltron will be on arriving on the planet shortly. I just wanted to know how you plan on trapping them. I know you are planning something and I would like to know what as I will be your second in command if you are still going to give me that rank after Romelle and I are wedded?" asked Lotor.

Honerva turned to Lotor and put a hand on her son: "As I said, it is not of your concern. You must focus on your wedding. To answer your question, yes you will be my second in command when you are married. I will give you that honor as your father never truly wanted you to be his right hand. I wish I saw how intelligent you were as you were growing up. I will never let Zarkon and the quintessence cloud my judgment again."

Lotor realized how intuitive Honerva was, which made him sick to his stomach, as he recognized how alike Honerva was to him. They were both highly intelligent, strong welded, great strategists. Never in a million deca-phoebs would he be with his mother, though it made him sad that he would be working against her.

"Mother, you are correct. I should leave all matters to you. Yes, it is very beautiful today. I can't wait to marry Romelle. I should go back to my tent to prepare for today's ceremony," said Lotor even though it made him feel nauseated to say it.

Lotor walked off and the entered his tent. There hung an Altean wedding garment, which the newly Altean crest on the upper left side sleeve. Honerva made sure to include some sort of Galra color scheme to the garment. Lotor knew he needed to figure out a way to conceal a weapon of some sort within the garment. He couldn't go to the wedding without as he knew Allura and the rest of team Voltron were preparing for a fight. Just as he was going to about to change, he heard someone walk into his tent.

"Lotor I am stressing out about today, I don't know how long I can put up with this whole charade. Every single time Honerva speaks to me about the wedding and how happy she is for us, I start to feel sick in my stomach and want to throw up. She talks about how we are going to rule the galaxy and no one will stop us and how we can get unlimited quintessence. It's all mad I tell you," cried Romelle.

Lotor went to put a hand on Romelle: "Romelle when the day is done, we won't be married and team Voltron will have saved the day. I will guarantee it. We will not let Honerva take over the galaxy. She might be smart, but I know better than her. I was able to steal a communicator off one the Altean soldiers. I have been in communication with Allura and Shiro. I am trying to give as much intel to them before they arrive on the planet and what to expect. It's hard to communicate with them as Honerva is always around me specifically."

Romelle's face became less worried: "Well that is more reassuring. I really don't want this wedding to happen. I hope your plan works."

"It will. Did you see your Altean wedding garment? Is there room to conceal a weapon inside?" asked Lotor.

"Yes, Lotor there is. How are we going to get any weapons first off? Your mother is always watching us," asked Romelle.

"I managed to steal these from some guards as they slept at night. I always found sleep to be a tedious ritual. I was laser-focused on getting these for us. Here take it and make sure no one sees you with it. Today we take back our lives. Now get going before anyone sees you exiting my tent as we shouldn't be seeing each other before the wedding," exclaimed Lotor.

Romelle gave Lotor a hug, something he didn't think she was capable off and snuck out of his tent.

He went to lay in his makeshift bed in his tent when he heard a guard call out: "Coalition ship is approaching." He went outside and saw the ship land a couple of meters away from the camp. All the Altean soldiers formed a front as the palidans, Wilder, and Allura exited the ship. He could see from a distance Honerva walking towards them. He wanted to go to them, more so to see Allura, but guards in front of his tent prevented him from doing so. They did this to Romelle as well.

He watched Honvera and her guards usher the team to a tent far from his and Romelle's. He knew that is where the reception would be held. He just couldn't see where the wedding altar was.

"Prince Lotor, Empress Honerva has informed me to tell you to please get ready as the ceremony will begin in one varga," said a guard outside his tent.

"Thank you, I will start to get ready," replied Lotor.

Lotor put on his wedding garment and knew today everything was about to change. He hid a small laser gun stuck to his back even though his weapon of choice would have been his sword. He made sure the jacket he wore would conceal it. He exited the tent and the guards led him to the wedding altar.


Can't believe Season 8 of the series coming so soon.  I just finished writing the last 7 chapters that I will post next weekend. I just want to thank every reader who has read this story. I know it is not like most stories that are on this site and others, but I just wanted to write a fun and exciting story about Lotor. Thanks again=)

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