Chapter III - The Find

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Wilder awoke to receive a message from an Olkari guard stating that Lotor wanted to see him. Normally, Wilder did not care for such trivial things, but since he felt he owed Lotor some explanation, he decided to speak with him. It was five quintants since he last saw Lotor. When he arrived at his cell, Lotor looked like a shell of his former self. He still looked young, but he was growing a beard, something he did not think Galran's were capable of and he lost a significant weight. Wilder knocked on Lotor's cell to wake him.

"So you asked to seen me?"

Lotor stumbled out of his bed and picked himself up. He was not use to this harsh treatment but knowing all the horrible things he did he might as well get used to it.

"Yes, Wilder I did. I know I shouldn't be granted these liberties after what I have supposed have done, but I need to know how you found me."

Wilder paused, found a chair, and pulled up to Lotor's cell. "I know I don't have to tell you this, but I feel if you are going to be in this cell for a long time you might as well know. Well, here it goes."

Wilder was a member of the Voltron Coalition. He was descendant of the original Blue Paladin Blaytz from the planet Nalquod. He wanted to fight in the coalition like Blaytz and hopefully one day he would be worthy of becoming the Blue Paladin and pilot the blue lion. However, since he found out Princess Allura was the Blue lion's pilot he relegated to assisting team Voltron anyway he can. After three deca-pheobs and learning team Voltron survived the fight with Lotor and were on Earth, Matt Holt, one of the leaders of the coalition asked Wilder if he could make sure Lotor's ships never made it out of the Rift, since Voltron was able to. Wilder agreed and went out to the ruins of planet Diabazaal. For 3 quintants he searched and found nothing. Then one day he saw something sticking out of a piece of asteroid. It looked like part of Lotor's Sincline ship. He ventured closer and found it. Wilder used his tracker beam and tried to free the ship from the asteroid, but nothing worked. So Wilder had to manually go to the asteroid and use his tools to free the ship. Took him a week free the ship. The ship was now in his possession, the question was if Lotor was aboard and was he dead or alive. Wilder went to the cockpit and low and behold, there was Lotor, helmet to the side of him and slouching in his chair. Wilder used his medical device and found a pulse. He quickly closed the cockpit, contacted the home base of the coalition, the Olkarians, and informed them to have a medical personal ready as he was bringing Lotor to them.

Wilder arrived on Olkarion with part of the sincline ship and with medical personal pulling Lotor out of the cockpit, Lotor spoke one name "Allura" and lapsed back in his coma-induced state. Ryner, the leader of the Olkari, thanked Wilder and informed him that he was no longer needed and they would take it from here. However, Wilder felt different and said he wanted to make sure Lotor was all right and that he was fit to stand trial for all his crimes, which was a lie. Wilder was given other plans from a secretive associate who wanted to know if Lotor was all right and what his mindset was but kept this information from the Olkari.

"So you see Lotor, you should be thanking me for sparing your life. I could have taken your ship and left you to die in space, but my good-natured personality said otherwise." Exclaimed Wilder

Lotor got up and went closer to the cell to say "Thank you." He inquired what happened to his ship to which Wilder explained the Olkari dismantled and destroyed it. Lotor noticed the light on the camera was not flickering green but red and inquired about that. Wilder once again explained that he asked the Olkari not to record his conversation with him as a favor to him to which they honored his request. Lotor asked Wilder one more favor of him as he was about to leave.

"I know I don't deserve anything from you, but would you provide me with a writing utensil and something to write or draw on."

Wilder was puzzled and asked Lotor what for.

Lotor responded, "When I was on the castle lions, I started to feel deep feelings for Princess Allura. I never knew how to express them to her. Before entering the Rift, I spoke with yellow Paladin about Earth's customs when it comes to the heart. He informed me how his father would write love letters to his mother to show how much he cared for her. I wanted to do that for the Princess, but everything happened so fast I never had the chance to tell her how I felt. I know you must have the capacity to reach the planet Earth. That is why I would like to write her a letter not about my love for her but how truly sorry I am for everything I have done and to explain everything to her as I never had a chance to do."

Wilder could clearly see such sadness on Lotor's face. How could someone so calculating, manipulative, could be so sad? Wilder agreed, but before he left he had to tell Lotor some truths, that when he was with the Olkari doctors, they placed a special device to determine if he was telling truths or lies. Therefore, if he was lying, he would be removed from this cell and place in another with no contact with the outside world and Princess Allura would never know he survived the Rift. Wilder got up, left, and hit a button on wrist com and the camera in Lotor's cell flickered green again.

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