How you met (lowkey dean x reader)

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Everyone has heard of the Winchester. They were legends. Everyone wanted to be just like them. Hell even you did, you never thought you would meet them until one day you did.

You were hunting a vamps nest and you were getting your machete and dead mans blood bullets out of the trunk of your white 1967 Chevy impala. You heard another car come up the road so you quickly ducked back into your car before you were seen. That's when you saw it the legendary black 1967 Chevy impala and you knew the Winchester's were here. "Damn it" you whisper to yourself "the Winchester are stealing my case.... damn" you sighed and when you saw them walk into the old abandoned factory you got in the front seat and where about to leave when you heard someone run out of the building.

You saw a tall man running after who you could only assume was a vamp. She was very pretty. The man was extremely tall long brown hair and was wearing a flannel, jeans and boots holding a machete that was to clean to have been used yet on this hunt. When you notice you don't see the other Winchester you decided to run in Incase he needs help.

When you get in the building you pulled out your gun and machete and started shooting the vamps who were running at you to at least stun them and you cut the heads off all the ones you could reach. You quickly ran up to the sandy haired man laying on the floor. Protecting him.

You killed every vamp in that nest not including the one the tallest Winchester got. By the time you were done you finally took a second to look at the man lying beside where you were standing. You knelt down next to him and admired the handsome man next to you. He had tons of freckles and even tho he wasn't smiling you could tell it was a smile that lit up the room.

You could also tell he had a really cocky grin. You saw some blood on his face so you began cleaning it off. Then you noticed he was cut so you took of your own flannel and put it on his wound. His eyes shot open. They were darker than a forest but lighter than an emerald. They had a dark rim of green color before the whites of his eyes.

He shot up and quickly punched you pinned you down and put a machete to your throat and growled  "where's my brother you vampire bitch!" I looked at him stunned and then he pressed the blade down harder I quickly stammered "I i don't know he ran out chasing a vamp. And I ran in here when I saw him leave to see if you needed help and I killed all of them I was just putting pressure on your wound. I'm sorry"

tears threatened to leave my eyes but I willed them not to. He still pinned me but the pressure of the blade lessened and he stood me up walked me to his car and started testing me. Holy water, salt, iron, angle blade, exorcism. None of it had an effect so he finally let up then began to test himself but I stopped him "No no you don't need to do that! I know who you are your the Winchester brothers. You legendary, Ellen talks about you a lot. I'm a regular there. Bobby talks about you a lot too he helped train me when I was young. He means a lot to me" at the mention of Bobby you started remembering  the first time you met him


You were walking on the side of the road no clue where you were going. You had killed your dad. He was drunk and abusive which wasn't out of the ordinary but this time he tried to kill you. You were walking on the side of the road with your back pack. It was snowing and all you where wearing was some jeans boots and a ac/dc t shirt. A tow truck pulled up next to you and you saw a friendly kind eyes man. He was wearing a ball cap and had a brown beard and mustache which and a little gray mixed in. He opened the door and asked if you needed a ride. Normally you would have said no and kept walking but something about him just made you trust him. "So what are you doing out here all alone. Especially on a night like this." You don't know why but you told him everything. "I I k-killed my d-d-dad he he beat me and th-this time it it escalated and he he was g-g-gonna kill me. P-please don't take me in t-t-to the station." You were shivering so bad it caused you to stutter. He pulled to the side of the road cranked up the heat took of his jacket and gave it to you. You excepted it gratefully. He pulled back in the road and after driving for a minute in silence  he finally spoke. "My dad was abusive as well. I actually did the same thing as you except I stayed with my mama. You got anyone I could take you to?" You shook your head "my mom died while I was being born and the rest of my family is dead. There was a fire during a family reunion. My dads side well they all died of old age I guess." He looked over at you and saw you were crying he pulled over again. He opened his arm asking your permission you nodded your head and you were quickly engulfed of a hug. He smelled like whiskey or maybe beer, gun powder,  fire, and the faint smell of apple. "Look...." he paused looked down at you and I said "Y/N". "Look Y/N you can stay with me. Help around the junk yard. And I can take care of you homeschool you. But if not that's fine you don't have to stay with me." I squeezed him tighter and whispered "Please..." surprisingly he heard me and said  "of course come one y/n let's go home. I'm Bobby by the way. Bobby Singer."

Flashback ends

You were snapped out of the flash back by fingers being snapped in your face. "What?" You asked confused. "How long have you known Bobby?" The shortest Winchester asked amused by the confused head tilt you were doing. "Oh I've known him since I was about 12 he raised me pretty much. Closest thing I have to a father. He taught me how to hunt, shoot, fight, research, speak Latin and Chinese, and how to hold my alcohol." He smiles at your last comment "I'm dean by the way." You smiled you figured as much but didn't want to make assumptions. "Y/n,  y/n- y/l/n." He gave you a grin that was only slightly on the cocky side. "Well y/n mind helping me find my brother?" Before ether of you could leave the youngest Winchester walked up. "Hey dean who's this?" Dean looked at you then at him "Sammy this is y/n. She killed all the vamps and saved my ass. I'm not one to admit something like that so you should be real proud y/n." You blushed and smiled at his praise. "Wow I'm impressed." Sam said with a look of awe on his face. You and the boys drive back to the hotel. Turns out you were staying in the same one. You all hung out and drank in your room. You learned more about each other and you all have been close ever since.

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