Angel kisses (Cas x reader)

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In this story you have freckles! I got this idea off of a tumblr post on Pinterest so credit for some of the ideas to the original person. and like a little smut I guess idk.

Thur person P.O.V

You began to wake up and instantly you felt funny like pins and needles where all over your body. You felt like you couldn't help but say everything You thought you where straining to stop yourself from talk now. You gasped as you sit up quickly but just as You did you begin to fall backwards.

"Cas!" you said happily but still worried when he rushes over to steady you and sit you back up. "Cas I think a witch cursed me! I say everything I think!" You said as you got more and more worried. He chuckled and your cheeks heated up a little at the sound of his deep chuckle.

"Y/n a witch didn't curse you you just got your wisdom teeth removed." He said as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face. He smiled at you gently and You couldn't help but look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Cas your eyes are SOOOOO pretty!" you said as you cupped his face pulling it closer to your own so you could study his eyes more. "I mean they are just sooooo blue! They remind me of the sky! Or The ocean! Oooooo or maybe blue cotton candy!" You saw his cheeks heat up and felt your own heat up as well.

He was trying to focus on your eyes but his eyes traveled over your freckles face. He tried to count the freckles but ended up getting stuck in your lips. They looked so soft and kissable to him.

"Um t-thank you y/n." He whispered a little quietly. You heard to giggles and quickly your head snapped over to your brothers. They had been watching the whole exchange. They actually loved the idea of you and Cas together. And this might just be the chance they where looking for for one of you two to confess your feelings.

"What are you two laughing at?" You ask standing up and looking at them curiously.

"N-nothing." Sam said as he continued to laugh his ass off. You didn't believe him though because all three of them kept staring at you.

"Do I have something on my face?!" You say as you quickly run to the mirror in your bedroom and look at
Your face.

"Oh my goodness there are a bunch of dots on my face!" You say a little terrified and confused. You gasp and turn around quickly. "Are there a bunch of tiny snippers trying to kill me?!" You ask as You hide behind Cas as worry seeps in. His heart swells because you ran to him for protection.

"No y/n those are your freckles." Cas says as he pulls you out from behind him as gently as he could.

"Wait are there more?!" You ask as You quickly without thinking lift up your shirt exposing your white lace bra but your to busy looking at all the freckles all over your exposed body to notice Cas's eyes widen and his eyes trail down your figure.

He struggles remembering how to breathe as he sees what color you had on. It was heavens color and for some reason seeing it on you seemed to make it all the more perfect.

"You know- some people- say that- freckles are- are angel kisses!" Dean says as he wipes tears off his face as he leans over putting his hands on his knees struggling to stay upright. Sam personally is leaning against a wall near the door as he clutches his stomach.

"Cas! Have you been kissing me all over my face and body?!" You ask as you stare at him in wonder, disbelief and a little pinch of hopefulness in your eyes. His eyes widened and his cheeks turn dark red.

You take his reaction to your question as a negative one and quickly your eyes begin to water. When he still doesn't answer You begin to cry.

"Cas am I not pretty enough for you to kiss me?" I sob out even as my shirt is still exposing my bra and figure. Cas face quickly turns to one of shock and both Sam and Dean have to leave the room because they keep laughing to hard.

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