Wings part two (Castiel x reader)

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Here we go. Sorry it was so long. Anywho on with it. Here's a short little recap of what just happened aka just the last paragraph

His last few words slowly sounded as if I was under water. Then I realized..... it was a dream. But then I realized something else. Someone's hand was in mine and someone was speaking to me. "Please wake up y/n. I can't lose you. I need you." Then I realized. It was Cas.


I squeezed Cas' hand. And I heard him lightly gasp. My eyes fluttered opened and automatically I was looking at Cas. His hair slightly more disheveled than usual. His tie not even on anymore, in fact he was just in a white dress shirt and dress pants from what I could see. No trench coat or suit jacket. He looked worried. Yet still I'll admit he looked extremely.... sexy.... urgh now is not the time to be thinking like this!

Without thinking I just started to speak. "You know you have really pretty eyes,.... and hair,..... and face,..... and smile,..... and you have a really nice body....... You look really attractive in just a dress shirt and dress pants." What was I saying?! It sounded as if I was on laughing gas or something except there was no slurring of words I was just spilling all my thoughts. "And your wings are GORGEOUS! I just love them. They look so soft! Can I touch them?!"

He just sat there motionless mouth slightly agape. "Y-Y/N ..... y-y-you can s-see my wings?"

"Well yeah! I have been able to ever since I met you! I always liked them. I've learned to pick up on your emotions with help from how your wings where positioned...... except I can't tell right now....." I trailed off.

Suddenly a voice burst my thoughts "Hey N/N (nickname)! Glad to see you're finally awake. Took you long enough sleeping beauty. You've been asleep for almost a whole day!" Hmmmm really. No matter we'll get to that in a minute.

"Hey Dean-o, I got a question for ya." He pauses then said "sure what's up?" I looked at him and asked "do you think cas' wings are pretty?" He laughed. Why was he laughing? Had I done something wrong? "Haha funny N/N. You know we can't see angles wings."

I looked at him as if he where stupid. "Uhhhhh yeah.... you can. I'm looking at them right now ther-" Cas snapped dean away before I could finish. And I look over at him to see his face flush dark read in the face. Then his wings curled in around himself.

"C-Cas? What's wrong? Have I done something??"

He paused. "W-w-well wings are the most private and intimate part of an angle. I- I have no idea why you can see mine but I would prefer you didn't share what they look like with people. It embarrassing.  Not even Gabriel can see me wings and I trust him completely AND he's another angle." I looked at him and gently grabbed his hand which was peaking out over the top of his wing since he looked as if he was holding it down slightly so I could see his eyes. "Oh.... aw, Cassie bear. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Just there so beautiful. There is nothing to be embarrassed about." Just Then I remembered I had read some lore on angle wings "in fact I read some lore on angle wings and it said they come in all different sizes and colors. I read the archangels have three sets. There also was this small part that said......" I gasped "only an angles soulmate can see there wings" I mumbled the last bit but Cas seemed to have heard me.

His head snapped up to me. Eyes wide. His wings where no longer covering his face but now ruffling. I noticed his wings do that when he is excited. "Cas...." I said "I..... I love you" He didn't say anything just continued to sit there.

"And I know, angles don't feel love or emotion. And I know I'm just another human being that you've seen hundred of thousands of. And I know I might not be the prettiest of all. And I'm sorry if you don't want me. I would understand if yo-" I was cut of by his lips on mine.

He pulled back and smiled "I love you too. And you are perfect to me. I know you know I feel this way because I was in your thoughts while you where asleep. I spoke to you and confessed to you. I saw it all. And I want you to know.... it's true and I want to be with you. If you'll have me?"

I was overjoyed with this. He loved me back! He wanted to be with me! "Yes Cas! Of course I wanna be with you!" I pulled him into a long passionate kiss and felt his wings wrap around us. And I was right. They where soft.

Eventually as laid down with me on top of him. My head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms and wings around me. Then just before I fell asleep again (I was extremely tiered from being sick.) I heard Cas whisper "Goodnight baby girl... I love you" I fell asleep with a small smile stuck on my face.

Ok I know it sucks so bad. I'm sorry, but I kinda actually liked it

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