Always keep fighting (Jared x reader)

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This story is mainly based off of a true story. I really did lose my grandfather who was like my best friend (I called him Prince Charming because I was Cinderella and I chose him as my Prince) I really did lose my Uncle a few mounts later. I do believe I suffer from depression. The long rant about how I feel is almost exactly the same thing I sent to my boyfriend. And I did one day just break down and cry once I got home (instead of work it was school) but my father actually comforted me.

The only thing that wasn't really based off of true events was the promise ring part. Anyways I got inspiration from that so I hope y'all enjoy!

As I sat down on the front bench in my house to take off my shoes I just felt a wave of sadness rush over me. I had felt this way all day but I had painted on the smiles. I wish my boyfriend Jared was here because then he could just give me a hug but sadly he's filming in Vancouver for now.

As I sit there just staring of into space i mores over to the couch grabbing a pillow and hugging it when suddenly I break down crying. I couldn't stop it the tears where just constant. My sons where so loud I didn't notice the front door open.

"Oh god Jar... I miss you so damn much and if you where here you would be so disappointed in what you see." I didn't see my beloved boyfriend standing there shocked with tears in his eyes.

"You would be so disappointed because I'm not as happy as everyone expects me to be. I'm not always the happy go lucky, joke loving, smiley girl everyone knows me as. Some days I just feel so depressed I want to crawl in a hole and die because it would hurt less. I wish you where here so I could finally admit this to you and I wouldn't have to suffer alone but your not here your in Vancouver."

"Baby?" I hear Jared softly say behind me. I quickly stand up and turn towards him.

"Jared?!" I ask in a mix of confusion, happiness, and sadness. The moment I see him I quick run over and cling onto him.

"Oh y/n, no baby what's wrong? Why- why didn't you tell me about this?" He asks sadly as he picks me up so my legs go around his waist.

"Because I didn't want to burden you Jar. My problems are my own I've been dealing with them alone for over three years now. Ever since they died. But- but today it was just so bad and I could barely hold it together and then I got home and I just broke..... I'm so sorry Jared. I'm so sorry I'm like this."

Jared rubbed my back soothingly and held me closely. "Baby I can get you into therapy. It'll help I promise." I shake my head no and he sighs. "Well can you at least tell me what your feeling?" He asks quietly.

"I-I don't know how..." I whisper.

"Can you try?" He asks gently. I nod and move to sit next to him.

"When he, my grandfather, died it was like a piece of me went with him. And I filled it with Jokes and smiles and laughter to hide the sadness but sometimes it doesn't work and thats when I have off days. Because it feels like..... it feels like there's just this empty pit inside me that no matter what I do I can't get rid of it. And when he died I went to see my Uncle. He noticed how it was affecting me and he talked to me. He helped me in a way that I will always be grateful for. No one knows about it because I never told anyone. He died of an accidental drug overdose a few months later. I didn't want to go to work that day but my brother made me. That day I just felt like an empty hollow shell. Because I didn't get to say goodbye to ether one of them. And then I had to move on like it was nothing. So I would sit in my room, alone, in the dark, under my bed, so that way if anyone came in they wouldn't see me, and I would cry
That was how I dealt with it. And then we had my grandfathers wake funeral thing and I couldn't hold it back. I sobbed on my fathers shoulder. Meanwhile in my mind I was begging to go back. To go back to when I would walk through the nursing home halls I knew so well to find his room. And I begged to go back to the times where I could just lay with him. And I thought I got better. But earlier this year we finally spread his ashes. He was finally fully put to rest and I broke again. That day while I was at work you came into the coffee shop and gave me a hug and I clung to you like you where air and I was suffocating. And ever since then this stupid feeling came back. The feeling of helplessness. That helplessness of not knowing of being afraid and I hate this feeling. Because I can't get rid of it. And I hate how I feel broken sometimes and I can't hide it with smiles and I hate how I never can explain myself to anyone because I'm afraid. I'm afraid they'll think I'm stupid for still crying over it all. I'm afraid that they'll leave me too. And I'm afraid to tell my parents and family about this because what if they're going through it to and just handling it way better than I am and I'm just weak.
One time I was depressed and it was pretty bad. It lasted for a few days and I couldn't get out of it. My mom was worried I had cancer or some shit. She wanted to take me to the doctors and get me scanned. I begged her not to and she didn't. But that's how weird it is to see me depressed. Because I'm suppose to be the happy funny girl who doesn't stop smiling. I'm suppose to be the one that no matter what sad thing happens I keep them happy. I keep them laughing and I keep them going.
I don't like to cry in front of anyone. Ever. Not even My brother. So I do this. I go somewhere where I can be alone and I sit and I don't make a single noise in fear they might hear. I cover my mouth and I hold my stomach because it hurts even more but is worth t if they'll never know. Because I have to be happy. I have to be strong."

I didn't say anything and for a moment I thought maybe Jared would be made at me but instead he pulled me to him and just held me. As he did I began to cry again softly on almost relief because I had finally told someone and I finally felt free.

"Y/n, I love you so much okay. And I'm sorry you had to suffer through all this in science. I'm sorry you had to lose your grandfather I know he was like your best friend. And I'm sorry you lost your uncle. But please baby please if your feeling like this come talk to me if you don't want a therapist at least come talk to me. Because I will always be here and I will never be disappointed in you. Because we have to always keep fighting. Alright?" He asked me softly pulling away slightly so he could cup my cheeks.

I nod and lean my forehead against his. "Thank you Jared." I whisper quietly.

"Always my love." He whispered back. He ended up shifting us so we where laying in the couch my head on his chest and my leg in between his legs. His one hand intertwined with mine over his torso and his other hand playing with my hair.

"Does it get better Jared?" I whisper quietly. Praying he says yes.

"Yes it does sweetheart. But it's not easy, especially of your alone. But now... you have me." He sat us both up and turned towards me so I did the same.

"I was going to wait till another time but we know me I'm impatient.." he walks away into our bedroom and comes back out with a box he sits back in the couch and hands it to me. I open it and I gasp in shock. Inside is a beautiful promise ring.

"I-... Jared?" I ask quietly happy tears in my eye.

"I'm not proposing! Not yet at least but... this is a promise ring. It's my promise to you that I will always be there. My promise to you that one day we will get married. My promise to you that I will always love you and be forever faithful to you. My promise to you to always help you through the food and the bad. And if you accept my promise to be with you forever and always." He said as he looked at me with his gorgeous eyes.

I nodded my head "of course I accept that! I love you so much Jared." I say as I pull him into a kiss. He pulls away after a moment smiling widely and slips the ring on my right hand ring finger.

It fit perfectly. "You know I know you said this isn't how you wanted to do it.... but I think it was perfect." I whisper quietly kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad but y/n...." I look at him questionably. "You missed" he whispered with a smirk. I shake my head and smile at him leaning back in and connecting our lips.

"Better?" I ask pulling away leaning our foreheads together.

"I'm not sure maybe you should do it again just to be sure." He whispered and I did exactly that before I realized this shouldn't be happening.

"Wait," I said pulling away. "How are you here??" I look at him confused and he chuckles. Oh well I asked for a 'family time' filming break. I was gonna give the promise ring to you later tonight at a fancy restaurant and stuff.

I grinned widely at him. "I mean we can always pretend." I said with a wink.

"Free Desert!" He cheered happily. I giggled at his childish behavior and just kissed him once more happy I got to be with the love of my life and happy that we had made this promise.

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