A God (Sam x reader)

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⚠️angst, eating disorder, body dysmorphia, fluff⚠️

Sam Winchester was built like a god. And that didn't change during quarantine. Much to your Dismay of course. You where fit enough to be a hunter but you weren't exactly as skinny as jo and Charlie and yeah sometimes that got you down but during this coronacation as dean liked to call it you started feeling better about yourself. But then the restrictions where lifted little by little and you went out more.

You saw all the woman who now looked like models and goddesses and sure you where happy for them but that's when you realized your shirts where just that much tighter and your pants just a bit to snug. When you went home that day you stared at yourself in the mirror completely bare and you realized your stomach and thighs had grown bigger your muffin top more pronounced and the stretch marks that littered your skin had grown darker.

You where never exactly fat per-say but you weren't skinny ether. But at least before all this started you where skinniER.

"Y/n/n it's time for dinner!" Dean called through the bunker.

"Coming!" I yelled back quickly pulling on sams flannel and opting for a pair of deans sweats instead of your usual shorts.

"What's cookin'?" I asked smiling trying to hide my internal agony at the realization of how my body now looks.

"Me and you are have fried chicken! While Sam has his shitty rabbit food." Dean spoke grinning at me. I looked over to San to see him roll his eyes at his brother.

'Why did he have to be one of those people who works out during quarantine?! Stupid Greek god looking asshole!' I thought bitterly. I sighed as I sat down.

When dean placed a plate of food down in front of me stacked the way I would usually eat it and the way most of me wanted to eat I grimaced as that annoying voice in the back of my head piped up.

'You know if you don't wanna be so fat eat less and eat healthier.'

'And work out more!' Another spoke up. I was suddenly swarmed with an onslaught of thoughts each worse than the last. Tears sprung to my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. Taking the smallest piece of chicken and shoving down my throat hoping to end this quickly.

'It tastes so good! Why does it have to taste so good?! Stupid dean and his good home cooking.'

The boys where talking during all of this and I was greatfull the attention wasn't on me. I stared at Sam as he ate the longing in my heart just growing. For the longest time I saw him only as a friend. But when I finally realized why I was so angry whenever a girl would hit on sam it all fell onto place that no he wasn't just a friend to me. He was the world to me and 100% without a doubt loved him.

He made me feel so confident usually but right now I didn't even think I was worthy of being around him. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'm..." I sent one last look towards the delicious food "not really hungry."

"What?! But you love my fried chicken!" Dean spoke up quickly.

"Yeah and I said I'm not hungry so just save it dean! Eat it yourself or save it!" I snapped at him storming off into the hallway. Instantly once I left the kitchen guilt tugged at me. I made a mental note to apologize to dean later. Blame it on hormones or some crap.

I walked to my room pulling out my phone and I was soon pulled into the void of weight loss tips and tricks. Along with dietary blogs and health junkies websites. Before I knew it hours and passed and it was well into the night.

I was so hungry if I just grabbed a snack I could keep going. Once I got to the kitchen I opened the fridge to see no healthy snacks except sams food and I wasn't going to eat that because it's sams. So I stuck with a glass of water and then went back to my room not noticing Sam sitting at the library table as I muttered about dietary pills.

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