Shifter (dean x reader)

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Updated: 10/31/20

This is just a short terrible story based on an imagine I read a while back..... sorry it's suuuuper bad

⚠️⚠️Warnings: self harm, almost character death, name calling to the reader (slut exc.), unrequited feelings

"Y/n where are you!?" Dean yelled. I looked towards the closed bathroom door not even having the energy to speak.

The bathroom door burst open and it sure I looked a mess with blood dripping down my arms and tears streaming down my face.

He ran to me quickly grabbing a towel and placing pressure on my arms. I should wince, I should feel pain, but I don't. And even still dean apologizes as he patches me up. It's not like it is from hunts this is all from my own and the pain on his face makes me feel guilty.

After he finished he cupped my cheek making me look to him after giving me water. "What happened sweetheart? I thought you where clean." I looked down guilty. "Don't worry I'm not mad or anything I'm just worried. I told you to always talk to me and Cas will kill me if it's my fault." He finished with a small chuckle.

I smile a bit knowing he was right. The blue eyes angel was always protective of me.

I whisper out an explanation. "I love you dean so it's not your fault.... And I'm sorry, truly I am. I've let you down I know that just" I sigh, "On our hunt when the shifter took the form of you I.. I didn't know." A pained knowing look forms on his face.

"So he took me to the motel and started kissing me and I kissed back thinking it was you and you returned my feelings and then... then it said things terrible things. It said 'oh my my my aren't we a little slut. Just desperate for me to kiss you and to love you. When really I hate you. I loath you, your just some whore. Your a disappointment. You always let me down.' It felt so real then the shifter knocked me out and you and Sam took care of him while I was out and I came to in my room and you were sitting in the library and when I saw you I ran thinking of what the shifter had said....and now here we are, I couldn't stand the thought of you saying all those things so I just wanted to punish myself. To end it. Because a life where you don't love me and think so low of me is a life I don't want to be a part of anymore."

I was looking at my arms and then I stole a glance up at his chest his breathing was uneven then I heard it I heard, a sob and I saw his chest start to shake and when I looked at him my heart broke at the tears steaming down his face.

He just held me so tight to his chest as he said over and over "I'm sorry I didn't know. I don't hate you. I would never say that. You mean so much. Your my everything. Don't ever leave me. I love you. I love iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou"

And before I knew it and had time to really process what he said, he kissed me. And we dumped all of our want and love and emotion into that one single kiss.

"Don't ever believe some shitty shifter okay? I've loved you for so long. I just didn't think you wanted someone like me." He whispered cupping my cheek.

"There's no one I want but you." I whisper.

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